Chapter one: Busy

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POV: Shu

        As I was awakened by my little sister jumping on me and yelling at me to get up. Lily kept on jumping on me because she didn't know if I was awake until I suddenly grabbed her waist and pulled her down to lay beside me. Lily squealed  in mock terror, Laughing I said using her nickname: "What do you want, Phoenix?"  Giggling she sat up, "Mommy wants to talk to you before she and Daddy leave!" Lily crawled out of bed. 'Of course, they do because they are always gone and leaving me here to watch over Lily!' I thought angrily. Lily ran out of the room and went downstairs humming. 

       Sky, my maid walked into my room with my morning tea. "For today's tea, we have Earl grey with honey," Sky announced, Sighing I got up and grabbed my tea while Sky went over to grab my outfit for today since I wasn't doing anything for the queen and was only meeting people for my parents Tailor Shop, Lilith Tailors. Sky walked over to me with a black and dark green dress that reached my knees with a built-in corset along with a dark green and black bonnet and black stockings with dark brown high heeled boots (^Dress^). Sighing I got up and set down my empty teacup on the bedside table and walked over and grabbed my outfit and walked over to the divider and began to get dressed. 

Le Time Skip brought to you by Laziness


       As I walked downstairs to where my parents were waiting by the door, My dad, Adam smirked as his blonde hair turned golden in the light of the sun and hugged me. I looked over at my mother, Violet whose strawberry blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail at the nape of her neck and she kissed my forehead "Dear, we're sorry about leaving again, but it's important because we are expanding the company and I will need you to go and meet with the Queen about it and also meet with some client's about their recent order's and about when they are gonna be back in to pick them up." She was smiling at me hopefully. I just nodded a bit surprised about all the stuff I had to do along with taking care of Lily but I bet I could just drop Lily off at one of her friend's manors.

     As my parents walked out of the door, Sky told me that breakfast was ready and that Nina Hopkins was coming over to talk to me about some designs she's wanting to do and if my parents would like to try them as well "She says that they are stunning but if a may voice my opinion,  they are too revealing and she'll probably make me try them on." Sky had a look of pure disgust on her face as she thought of what happened last time. Laughing I replied, " At least it's not me." 

     After breakfast, I got ready to meet Nina in my study it was around noon when she arrived. "Ciao, Shu!" Nina happily exclaimed while hugging me and proceeding to tell me about how my body has changed until Sky walked into my study "Please do let go of my young mistress." She was frowning as she always does.

Le time skip another three hours because they are boring


     It was dark by the time Nina left and I got through the rest of my meetings and my parent's weren't home yet so I was beginning to worry but I had put Lily to bed and I was getting ready to go to bed. 

      As I climbed into bed, my body began to relax for the first time today and then I was fast asleep. Without knowing that someone had gotten into the manor.


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