"The Walls Are Soundproof" | Cypress x (indirectly) Ting

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Cypress hummed a soft tune to herself as she got ready for bed, going through her normal routine of washing up, putting on her pajamas, and making her rounds around her house to make sure all the flowers and plants were in tip-top shape.

She then smiled a bit and headed back to her room. On her way there, she thought she heard a strange sound, almost like squelching? She stopped in her tracks to listen for a few seconds but hearing nothing. She shrugged it off and walked into her bedroom, closing the door behind her.

She laid down and snapped her fingers so the light of the candle went out, then snuggling under the covers.


Cypress jolted awake as something wet and cold wrapped around her thigh. She gasped and practically jumped out of bed, looking down at whatever had been on her. Apparently, jumping out of the bed and onto the floor was a mistake. 

Her eyes widened with fear as she saw a tentacle made of black liquid wrapped around her thigh, creeping up into her small shorts, her letting out a shriek of terror as two more bubbled out from the floorboards, grabbing her and hoisting her into the air.

"HELP!! S-SOMEONE HELP M-" She began to scream out for help before the horrifying realization dawned on her.

...The walls are soundproof.

She let out a scared whimper as the tentacles slowly pulled off her clothes, fully undressing her and shoving her legs apart. A smaller, thinner tentacle crept up and began to rub at her clit, her gasping and squirming around before giving up and submitting to the things. Her hands were tied together above her head, a much thicker tentacle rubbing up and down her entrace, teasing her. She whimpered, leaning over a bit to watch as the thick tendril slowly pushed its way into her wet entrance.

She let out a loud moan, throwing her head back as it began to roughly thrust into her. A second tentacle, which was half the thickness of the other, but still large enough that the sight of it made Cypress shiver, biting down on her lip. It shoved its way inside, not moving after that.

She frowned a bit in confusion, panting as she looked down at it. "H-Huh.. What-AAHH~!!" She cried out as the second tendril began to vibrate violently against her sweet spot, the other slamming itself deeper until she could feel it in her womb, its pace never slowing down.

It wasn't long before Cypress climaxed hard, body convulsing and jerking around in the grip of the tentacles as she let out a loud scream of pleasure.

It still didn't stop, not even when her cum spirted out onto the two tendrils, they both just kept thrusting violently, until eventually they both released their load into her.

Cypress moaned softly as she was filled, some pouring out of her and to the floor. She twitched for a bit, before passing out, the tentacles setting her down on her bed again before sinking back into the puddle of black goo. It then sank though the floor again.


"T-There you are!" Ting hissed out quietly, walking up to the puddle of black liquid. "Ugh.. What the hell have you been doing out he-" He caught sight of the white fluid mixed in with it.

"..........what. the fuck. have yOU BEEN DOING?!"

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