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THEY WERE BACK. PHOEBE PARKED her car outside of the camp; to make sure no ghost ruined it, before she and Bobby walked back into Camp Redwood.

Somehow, this time is was less creepy. The birds were chirping and the sun was shining down onto their faces. Rocks crunched underneath their boots as they walked besides the lake.

Bobby suddenly stopped, which caused Phoebe to do the same. She carefully watched as Bobby looked out onto the water; clearly deep in thought. Phoebe's eyes wandered over to the lake, she could see one of the cabins right at the other side of it. The place looked strangely welcoming, if the history wasn't a tragedy, this place would be insanely popular; especially in the summer.

The quiet sound of the water and the birds chirping got interrupt when a woman spoke from behind the couple.

Both Bobby and Phoebe jumped back in surprise, their whole bodies turning around to face a blonde woman. Bobby instantly pushed Phoebe behind himself as the blonde finally realised who the woman was; Margaret Booth. 

"I'm sorry. Did I scare you?" Margaret asked with fake sympathy. 

"I know you," Bobby stated, his eyes wide in shock as the woman approached them.

"Does anyone really ever know anyone?"

"You're Margaret Booth," Bobby spat, "You framed my father."

"You're Jingles junior," Margaret stated with an amused glint in her eye, "Did you come back here to find your father? I can take you to him."

"Oh, really?" Phoebe asked, pushing herself in front of Bobby; she knew how desperate he was to find his father and wouldn't put it past him to accidentally trust this monster of a woman, "How can you do that if they said no one's seen him in thirty years?"

"Feisty. I like it," Margaret commented, "Not everyone can find him, but we have a long history."

"I don't trust you," Bobby piped up causing Phoebe to let out a thankful sigh, the last thing she wanted was for her or Bobby to be murdered by a crazy ghost lady.

"Okay, don't see your father. I don't care," Margaret stated nonchalantly before walking past the couple.

Phoebe felt utterly confused. Why had she not killed them? The blonde turned to glance at Bobby, pleading him with her eyes as to not follow the ghost, but Bobby simply gave her a gentle smile, "You stay here," He stated.

Phoebe snorted, "As if I'm going to let you go with her alone. I'm coming with you."

Bobby sighed but the determined look on Phoebe's face told him not to mess with her, and instead he grabbed her hand before following Margaret Booth further into the camp through the forest.

"They told us they killed you," Bobby stated, "So that you couldn't come back."

"Well, technically I died a second before the chipper spit me out on the other side," Margaret explained proudly, "So, I've been here all along. But, I've been hiding. And waiting."

"For what?" Bobby questioned, a confused expression on his face when he couldn't spot the blonde ghost anywhere,

 "Shit," Phoebe cursed, her eyes dancing around the forest

"To kill you!" Margaret re-appeared besides Bobby, her hand raised up high holding a knife.

But before the ghost could slash the knife into Bobby, a man grabbed her wrist causing her to curse loudly as Phoebe pulled Bobby to a safer distance.

"You always found a way to hurt me. You think I would let you hurt my son?"

Phoebe opened her mouth in shock as she looked at the spectacled man; Mr. Jingles, otherwise known as Benjamin Richter. He twisted Margaret's wrist, managing to move the knife before impaling it into the side of her head.

Benjamin looked away from the body at his son. His eyes wide with tears as he and Bobby stared at one another, "She'll be back," Benjamin finally said, "We have to get you out of here, now," His eyes landed on the blonde clutching onto the arm of his son, "Both of you."

But before he could shepherd them away, Bobby wrapped his arms around the ghost, sniffling into his shoulder as he held the man tightly. Phoebe felt her eyes stinging with tears when Bobby finally muttered the word 'dad'. This was all he ever wanted; to finally see his father, speak to him, and now he got it and Phoebe couldn't help but feel thrilled for Bobby.

Benjamin clearly wasn't expecting the embrace. He was stiff for a moment before he wrapped his arms around Bobby, his eyes sparkling with life as his lips widened in a Cheshire cat smile, "Why did you come back here?" Benjamin asked, his voice trembling as Bobby moved to look at him, "I was never a parent to you."

Bobby chuckled, "You're wrong. You-you...You did what all good parents do. You...You sacrificed yourself for your child. I just had to come back and say 'thank you'."

Benjamin placed his hands on Bobby's face, his tears now streaming down his cheeks, "You are worth it. Every bit of it. Now, forget this place and go live," He placed a couple of kisses on Bobby's forehead, "And know I will always love you. That's all that matters, okay?"

Phoebe watched the scene with a smile on her face. Her own tears were now falling down her cheeks, she knew how much this meant to Bobby and could only imagine how much it meant to Benjamin as well. She didn't want to end their embrace, but she did when she let out a blood curdling scream.

She heard a maniacal laugh close to her ear as the feeling of something digging itself in her stomach caused her knees to buckle.

Bobby and Benjamin both turned around in shock. Bobby yelled when he spotted Margaret Booth standing over Phoebe with a bloody knife in her hand. It only took seconds as the ghost disappeared before reappearing behind Benjamin and stabbing him right in the back. 

Bobby rushed over to Phoebe, helping her back up to her feet as she held onto her stomach. He wanted to help his father too, but he knew Benjamin would come back at any second, Phoebe was still human; she needed all the help she could get not to die.

"Don't you get it?" Margaret asked out of breath, "This is how it has to be. I win! I am the final girl. I am always the final girl!"

CAMP REDWOOD  {BOBBY RICHTER} ✓Where stories live. Discover now