Chapter Two

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Serena POV

Dawn and I emerged from the halls of the Dendemille Town airport.

"Alright so here we are, in the town where I went to my first Pokémon Showcase, in fact there's going to be a showcase here in a few days so I'm going to enter and you can see what showcases are like." I told Dawn.

She looked at me with an excited look before we headed out towards the Pokémon centre

"At least Brock's not here" I heard Dawn mutter.

I was slightly confused "what do you mean ?" I asked her.

She told me that apparently Brock would always try to ask nurse Joy or Officer Jenny out every time they saw her.

I laughed quietly before heading to the room where we would be staying.

"Hey Dawn, Who did you travel with in Sinnoh, apart from Brock ?" I asked her as I lay down in the top bunk.

"I traveled with a boy named Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, he was apparently trying to become a Pokémon master, it was fun to travel with him but then after the Pokémon League he left to Unova, but I got to go to Unova and see him again and then after Unova went to the Kalos region."

I was silent after Dawn said that, I mean I was surprised that she knew Ash and all it's just that... it had been so long since he had talked to me, I thought he had forgotten about me.

Dawn got up and sat next to me "is there something wrong?" She asked me with a concerned look.

"No, no it's just, I traveled with Ash in the Kalos region, I never knew that he traveled in Sinnoh and Unova. I just thought that he went to Kalos and then to Alola but that's all I heard from him." I said sadly. "You know what, it's ok in two days I have a showcase so I need to get ready." I continued.

The Next Day

Dawn and I left the Pokémon centre and headed outside to the battle field.

"Ok so showcases work slightly differently than contests. The first round is the theme performance which can be anything from a Pokémon quiz to poke puff baking. The second round is the freestyle performance where you have to come up with a dance to do with your Pokémon." I explained

I called Braixen out of her poke ball. Braixen, remembering this was where we once practiced for a showcase gave me an excited look.

3rd Person

Serena and Braixen walked to the centre of the battlefield. Serena called out to Braixen to use flamethrower.

The fox Pokémon jumped up and spun around as flames flew in every direction.

On the ground Serena nimbly danced around the falling flames, barely dodging each one. Braixen landed on the ground next to Serena and ran around her, creating a ring of fire.

Serena and Braixen danced around, passing the flaming stick to each other as they did it.


Dawn looked on from the side of the battle field mesmerised. ✨ "WOW THAT WAS AMAZING!" Dawn shouted. From across the field.

"Ok now you try making up your own dance, This showcase was actually just organised by prof Sycamore, he said he had something special planned and needed my help since I was in the area." Serena stated

[[ I decided that duo, trio or group performances are a thing in this universe ]]

"Ok, I'll try. " She responded. The blue haired girl walked to the centre of the battlefield and called out piplup.

Alola Kalos (re-write)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt