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August 18th, 2050

The family next door was taken last night. The whole family was taken. A whole family hasn't ben taken in a long time. They have always seperated us. The Attackers. They came for one at a time.

My sister was taken about a year ago. I wonder if she is still alive. I hope so. Yet something in me, like a fire inside, has died.

I haven't had a full nights rest since who knows how long. The sirens continuously wake my mom and I up. And we have to hide in the cellar.

Your probably wondering. Who are the Attackers? And, why do they take us? I wonder the same thing. There isn't really a good reason as to why.

They say it's because the need help in factory's.

Or they use our bodies as human lab rats.

I bet your thinking, how could our simple nice world, be like this? Basically killing people.

Well, so many people weren't working in our factory's because it was a high Death rate.

So they had to start forcing people to work. And the only way they could solve that was by Making the Attackers.

Our president was the one that came up with this "brilliant" plan. It was the scientists who came up with the lab ray idea. They said no one would die. That it would help cut costs. They lied.

So every night when the sirens sound, it means that the Attackers are out. And they only way to save yourself from them is by hiding. And if your not caught. They won't take you.


Except this isn't really simple.

Our universe has turned into a world wide massacre.

And there is nothing we can do about it.

THE ATTACKERSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora