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“Mom, I will be right back, I haven’t heard from Alex since last night, I’m going to go check up on him; promise I will be back before dark.” I stepped off my porch and into the harsh light of day.  Turning down the street, I saw the Atackee that attacked me yesterday.  I smiled a sarcastic smile and continued to walk.  I hated the fact that our stupid world has come to this.  Nobody should have to go through this.

I wanted to get out of the world.  I’ve thought about dying many a time, but I knew my mother wouldn’t be able to handle the sorrow.  I think getting taken and then getting put into the lab rat role, is better than the three.  You get a good chance of dying.  Dying is more peaceful than going insane. 

I shook off the thoughts as I approached Alex’s house.  The front door was banged open and the kitchen area was a sign of a huge mess.  The sign of a struggle.  Thinking that Alex had been taken, panic rushed through my mind.  No, man, I warned him in time he couldn’t have been. 

                Once I see the little trap door, the realization of what was happening dawned on me. 

“Alex!” I scream at the top of my lungs, chocking as the panic crowded my mind.  “ALEX! Dammit man, if you’re alive you better answer me.”

I wait for a few seconds and then slowly walk over to the trapped door that was torn off its hinges.

I step down each stair as if it will be my last.  I see a jumbled up pile on the ground, the thought of his death, rushes down on me, to where my knees give way and I fall down the stairs.  My head hitting every other step.

Once I hit the bottom my vision blurs and the world spins.  OW!


                I wake up in the usual, boring white room; that I had grown accustomed to over the years.  It was still white, as always and still I ticked down the time by the shadows from the little hole in my wall that lets in sunlight.  By the shadow on the north wall its around noon time.  I had missed food.  Didn’t matter to me though, the food here wasn’t really food it was just glumps of crap that no none really ate unless they were near death. 

                I get up and pull my white cotton shirt up to my breasts and look down, ribs and barely inches of a stomach.  I then sit back down on the floor and curl up into a ball.  I hear a soft click and look up as the hidden door slides open and an Attackee comes in.   His name is John; he has been responsible for me since the day I came in here.  I smile up at him; this man actually has a heart. 

                                “Marie! You’re up!  It’s so good to see you,  sorry I missed your birthday love” he says to me coming to my end of the little room. 

I nod and don’t respond.

He then kneels down beside me and pulls out a jug of water, “Figured you might need this.”

I take it gratefully and let the cool water slide down my throat and into my stomach, damn, I’ve needed that for a long time.   I nod a thank you and lay my head in his lap.  “How old are you now?” he asks politely.

“Sixteen” I mumble softly.

I feel John nod and close my eyes.  I don’t have enough energy to continue with our somewhat conversation.  All the days seem to blur by me now that I haven’t eaten in the past weeks.  I gave up on trying consuming the horrible food here that will only make me sicker. 

                John’s hands tremble as his fingers brush back some hair that had escaped into my eye, “I’m so sorry to tell you this Marie.”

My eyes snap open, “Tell me what?”

He sighs loudly and I know that something is wrong; “Your Mom,  she was taken in last night.  Unfortunately she was killed…”

                Mom dead?


I notice a tear fall down my cheek; I don’t understand what has happened.  Suddenly I’m sobbing, Johns pulling me into his arms and is whispering that everything will be ok.  No it won’t…

Cause now they are going to go after Alex.

THE ATTACKERSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن