iii. back to square one

Start from the beginning

"What the hell are you embarrassed about?" Senku raised his brow as he looked at you with judging eyes.

Your heartbeat intensified as if it escaped from your chest. Peeking between your fingers to take a glimpse at Senku whose expression was emotionless. You hastily closed your fingers and faced your back at him.

"Y-You said that we're going to save h-humanity... are you pertaining about... r-repopulating the E-Earth again?" After you successfully conveyed what's bugging your mind, you immediately crouched down to contain your embarrassment.

Senku who flawlessly heard what you just asserted, his face averted into a sour expression as he looked at you with horror and disbelief.

"What are you talking about?! We're indeed going to save humanity but not in a way on what you're thinking about! We are not Adam and Eve, you know! Can you wash that rated 18+ thoughts away in your brain and try to think logically, (Name)," Senku huffed and threw a small branch at you, still couldn't believe what you were implying.

"E-Eh?! Is that so?" You whipped your head at him with a discreet pout on your visage; feeling dejected a bit since half of you wanted it to be real.

Well, it's a fact that the scientist is indeed aware of your massive crush on him, however, he's shaking away from that thought since he doesn't have time to involve himself in something that is irrelevant. He rejected you a thousand times already and you still didn't waver, that is why Senku leaves you behind since he's tired of constantly repeating himself when it's not even gonna work.

"Also, Senku, how did you know that it's been 3,700 years that passed?"

"What else? I counted." Your face instantly wrinkled upon hearing his straight answer as if it was nothing important.

"Don't tell me you're... you're awake since then?" You muttered in skepticism. Senku merely sighed and faced his back at you.

"Save the questions later, (Name). We need to find the smoke signal I saw earlier; it might be a survivor in this world."

Both of you commenced to take a walk and look for the one who created the smoke signal that he had seen a while ago. If there's a smoke signal, then you deemed that you and Senku were not alone in this stone world, you thank the Gods for that. But how, did they break free from being a stone before you do? Also, what's been disturbing your mind is how did you manage to escape when you're on the same day where humanity has been petrified. And, Senku's timing is too perfect to be there in your de-petrification.

Numerous questions were flooding your mind as you watched Senku in front of you. You really have many questions to ask your childhood friend later, this whole situation is still making your head spin and couldn't accept what happened to the world.

As you both were walking without any noise, a loud eruption had caught your attention and broke you from your daze. You briskly turned your gaze underneath the cliff, only to see a huge amount of smoke of dust at a particular area in the woods. You and Senku stole glances at each other and wasted no second to run towards the said place where the loud noise came from.

It's not surprising that you're a meter ahead from Senku since you're totally aware that he wasn't gifted to become athletic. If God created him, it would be like; God gave him 1 teaspoon of being athletic and poured a sack of intelligence into his bowl. You snickered at that thought.

Once you had arrived at the area, your eyes landed on a woman being stuck underneath the fallen tree. So that was the reason as to why you heard a sound like an explosion earlier.

"Are you okay?!" You hurriedly went towards her and tried to lift the trunk but to no avail, you're not as strong as Taiju despite that you could do the heavy lifting like him before when you'd help Senku from his inventions. Your strength still has limitations.

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