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•■ He Xinlong ■•

"LongLong, can you take over our murder mission tonight?"

"Hm? Isn't it my break time tonight?" I asked.

"Well, yeah, but the others are busy. I need to look after my younger cousins tonight. Zihao's gonna fill you in on your mission later." Hanyu rubbed his nape.

"Ugh, fine..." I sighed.

"Thanks, LongLong. We owe you one." Hanyu smiled.

"No, you guys owe me five." I glared at him.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He shrugged off before exiting the coffee shop. I let out a sigh before looking around the shop.

"Ooh~ LongLong's leaving work REAL early, huh?"

"Shut up, Xinqian."

"You can't leave me to work alone, LongLong."

"Watch me."

"You wouldn't." Xinqian smiled. "I'm your favorite twin."

"You're my only twin." I rolled my eyes.

"Aish. I hate you sometimes." Xinqian pouted.

"Back at ya." I took off the apron and gathered my things. "See ya tomorrow."

I exited the coffee shop, heaving out a sigh. It's already pretty late.

"Why do I have to do everythinggg..." I groaned. I walked home to put my things. I then dressed up all black and walked out of the house.

"Xinlong, are you not gonna bath? It's six." My aunt asked.

"Nah, I'm good!" I said before walking off to our hideout in the alleyway.

"Zihao-ge?" I called out as I closed the door. "Zihao-ge, I know you can hear me!"

"I'm here, kiddo." Zihao yawned as he got up from a couch in the corner. "Thanks for taking over the mission tonight."

"I'm ALWAYS the one sent when no one can make it." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. We don't ALWAYS send you." He rolled his eyes playfully.

"It's supposed to be YangYang's turn!" I pouted.

"Shuyang's butt is filled up with tests, LongLong. Give the kid a break." Zihao gave me an icy look.

"Whatever." I scoffed. "Just tell me what to do."

"Okay..." He took out his phone. "There's a boy named Wang Jingsheng. He's your schoolmate and was said to be a member of Iron Blood. He's in that same apartment from last two nights, and will be alone in room 21. Think you can handle him?"

"No problem, gege. Iron Blood's no match for me." I smirked.

"Ya sure?" He raised a brow. "The last time you said that, you ended up in the hospital."

"It's fine, gege. I'll somehow manage."

"We'll see about that..." He muttered as he looked back at his phone. "Well, I'm done. Go get started. I'm going home."

"Sure. Zaijian, gege." I waved. He waved back before walking out of the building. I grabbed two knives and tucked a gun in the waistband of my pants. I then grabbed a remote bomb.

"Let's go..." I said to myself before exiting the building. I walked to an apartment which is only for Iron Blood members. I then entered the empty building, heading to room 21, which was on the third floor.

I quietly placed the bomb on the door before barging into the room.

"Wang Jingsheng!" I yelled.

"Oh my fuck! Xinlong! Can you not?!" He yelled back.

"Murder bussiness." I gave him a cold look.

"... So, your members sent you? Great choice." He chuckled. "I'll just download the footage from the security room and send it to the one and only, Liu Chaoxing."

"Fuck you, Jingsheng! Anyone but her!" I said through gritted teeth.

"No, fuck you, Xinlong!" He spat. "She deserves to know!"

Without putting anymore thought to it, I charged towards him. I threw a punch at him, but he dodged it and kicked me.

"Ow... Really? My ribs?" I asked pissed. "Zeyu punched me there yesterday!"

"Well, I'll thank Zeyu for that." Jingsheng smirked as he threw a punch, but I countered it and suplexed him. I grabbed a knife, but before I could stab him, he grabbed both of my arms and held them behind me, pushing me to the ground and grabbing the knife from my hand.

"Boy, I can't wait to finally kill a member of Boy Story." He said evilly. He then almost stabbed me, but I rolled to the side, making him stab the floor.

I then held him on the ground and grabbed the gun.

"Bye, Jingsheng."

I shot him in the chest three times. He instantly fell to the ground in a pool of blood.

"My God..." I sighed as I put the gun back in the waistband of my pants. I then placed a hand on my ribs.

"Ow... I shouldn't have..." I grunted. I then heard the door of the apartment open.



I then remembered the remote bomb. I pulled out the remote from my pocket.

"Eh, screw it. Imma just blow this place up and call it a day."

I jumped out of the window as I activated the bomb. The place blew up as I crashed to the ground, making a loud thud.

"Ow..." I got up, several scars and wounds. Of course, a lot of blood. "I shouldn't have jumped..."

I looked back at the building, ruined.

"My work here is done..." I sighed in relief. I slowly got up and limped, trying my best to at least make it back to the hideout.

"Aish... I don't know if I could keep going..." I mumbled, my vision started blurring. I then saw a familiar house.

Isn't that Chaoxing's house? If I remember clearly, her dad's a surgeon and her mom's a nurse. Maybe she can help.

I limped to her doorstep, but before I could ring the doorbell, I fell to the ground and blacked out.

•■ Liu Chaoxing ■•

I was calmly arguing with my friend for the 20th time this week over the same topic.

Is the earth flat or round?

"No, Chaoxing. I'm telling you. The earth is flat."

"Chunhua, for the 50th time this week, the earth isn't flat. You are."

"Want to say that again?!"

"Try me bitch-"


"... What was that?"

"Um... Chunhua... I'm gonna... Call you back later..." I said before hanging up. I got up and opened the door. To my surprise...


~ Note from author ~
This story is requested by blahblahblahhumfp
~ 이 은 헤 ~

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