All the Worlds Glitter and Gold Could Never Match How Much You Shine In My Eyes

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All the Worlds Glitter and Gold Could Never Match How Much You Shine In My Eyes.      Chapter 1;

"CHARLOTTE!" I hear my mom shout from downstairs Oh mother I love awaking to sound of you yelling at me, not.

"Mommmmmmm," I whine.

"Charlotte Nicole, if you do get your butt out of that room in twenty minutes, I'll drag to your first day of school exactly how you are." she says back.

Wait did she just say twenty minutes? Shiz, this is most definately not the best way to start my first day of school. I jump out of bed and scramble my way to my en suite bathroom. Gosh, am I glad I took a shower last night. My naturally super dark brown (with not so natural burgandy red highlights) wavy/curly hair looks good enough to just spritz it with curl spray and add a tad bit of moose. I add black eyeliner to the corners of my eys, and a couple of strokes mascara, then I'm off to my closet, trying to figure out what to wear. I decide upon a black carigan, a black & white striped tank that has red flowers in the corner that match my red TOMS (the best shoes ever), and my favorite pair distressed capris. I grab my messanger bag, and rush out my bedroom just as my mother calls my name. Sprinting down the stairs I call out a goodbye. Rushing out the door I start on my way to my first day of my junior year at Sanchester High. On my way to the school I think about how I even got in to this place.

##Flashback (Beginning of Summer)##

"Honny, your father and I need to have a talk with you." my mother says strolling in and out of my room before I can ask whats up. Sighing, I tell my bff Lexi that I'll call her back before hanging up. Sliding down the stairs I see my mom and dad  sitting on the couch, looking nervous. Okay that's odd, I say internally. "Hey mom and dad, you need to have a talk?" I said walking into the room. "Yes Char, you should sit down." my father says. "Umm yeah, so what's going on?"I mutter back, taking a seat across from them. Looking between eachother with uneasy faces my mom finally utters her first words since I came downstairs. "Char, we're not sure how to word this in a way that'll hurt any less, so I'll come right out and say it. We're moving to California. Your father's buisness is expanding there, and it'll be a.." I don't let her finish before I yell out. "We're leaving South Carolina?!" I can see her shock at my outburst before she calmly replies back "Honny it's for the best, we'll get a bigger, nicer house. We'll be near the beach. You'll be going to a nice school and..." My frustration bubbling back to the surfaceI yelled back "For the best? What about my friends? My life? All our family? This is so stupid I don't want to go!" I could see my mom struggling to be nice about this, she knew this would be hard for me, but I'm pretty sure nobody thought I'd take it this bad . But then, I didn't care what I said, I was just angry "Gosh this is bullsh.." "ENOUGH!" I heard my father roar. To be honest I forgot he was there, but I took notice now. I could tell he was mad, by how his face was flushed bright right. " Char, I will not let you talk to your mother like this. We will be moving and that's final! You have absolutley no say in the manner! Am I understood?" The hopelessness of the situation took hold of me and tears prickled the corners of my eyes as I realised I'd be leaving the place I know as home to move to a foreign land on the other side of the country. I ran out the room and locked myself in there as I felt my life crashing around me.

##Flashback end.##

Before I realiased it I was at the front gates of my new school. It was a nice place, built of white stone with one large building with a peaked roof and a large glass wall in the front , and four other building flanked two on each side. It was rather inviting if I had to say so myself. Luckly everyone was to preoccupied with their friends to notice me, Ms.New Girl. Unfortunately, I have a way of making even the luckiest situation go wrong. As I stumpled over the first step of the building I let out a yelp, catching the attention of all the people nearby. I closed my eyes, waiting to crash to the pavement, when I felt an arm catch my waist. I slowly opened my eyes and found myself looking iunto the deepest blue eyes ever. I heard my savior let out a chuclke, it was nice, soothing, it felt like home. "Careful there." he said as I felt his warm minty fresh breath wash over my face.

And this is where my story begins.

##Hey World of Wattpad. :) This is my first story ever, but I've read quite a few so far on here, before I had my membership. I'd love to know what y'all think of this, so comment? Oh, and I'm not so sureof this title, so suggestions would be great, thankyou. :D


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