𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 05

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((a/n: holy fuck I didn't expect so many of you would be interested in this fanfic like ngl I had been considering deleting it at some point. But damn did this get so much attention in just a few days which gives me good motivation to write.

Anyways, on a little note, I just wanna give a heads-up that updates may be really slow for a while since my family and I are currently in the process of moving to a new house (we're basically being kicked out of our current house by January first yikes). Which also means no internet for 3 weeks when we've officially moved into the new house rip. Not to mention Christmas coming up next week (might make a lil Christmas chap if anyone wants)))


Shaela glanced up at the sound of footstep approaching, only to scoff as she noticed Geralt approach. She turned her gaze back up to the sky, a soft sigh coming from her as the white-haired male sat down beside her.

"What do you want?" she spoke, her voice being a bit harsher than she had meant to. She let out another sigh as she pulled her bare feet out of the water, hugging her knees to her chest as she rested her head on top.

Geralt didn't say anything, not wanting to force the girl to talk if she didn't want to. An awkward silence fell between the two as they simply sat there, Geralt looking up at the stars while Shaela kept her gaze on the waterfall nearby.

"I hate my real parents" the female mumbled softly after a few minutes, referring to the letter that laid crumpled up between them. The white-haired male glanced down at the piece of paper before turning his gaze over to the female beside him. His brows furrowed at the sight of the tears running down her cheeks.

"'By now you've probably noticed you're not like the others. You're part of a very special bloodline, but I'm afraid it will be too risky to explain it in this letter if it falls into the wrong hands.  Go to the forest untouched by men and find the ancients there. They can help you find out about your heritage'" she continued to mumble part of what was written in the letter. 

She took a deep shaky breath, lifting her head to stare up at the sky while quickly wiping away the tears. She let out a dry laugh, shaking her head as she glared at nothing in particular.

"My whole life I've felt like a freak. I had a hard time fitting in as a kid. People were afraid of these... things I could do. Hell, I hurt other kids without meaning to. I still can't fully control these... abilities. And now this bullshit of getting just a vague clue on being "special". Not to mention I don't even know where the fuck I'm supposed to go to find out more about myself" Shaela let out a groan of frustration.

Geralt didn't say anything, letting the girl rant out her frustration. Another silence settled between them, giving the white-haired witcher some time to think over the words she quoted from the letter.

"I myself don't know where the mentioned place might be, but I know someone who might know about it" he spoke after a few minutes of thinking. Shaela turned her head to look at him with a raised brow.

"He lives just outside of Flotsam. It may take a few days to get there" Geralt stood up, holding out a hand to help the female stand up as well. He turned to head back towards the house, glancing over his shoulder to see Shaela put on her boots.

"Get some rest. We'll leave early in the morning." With that said, he headed back towards the house, not even bothering to look behind him to see if she headed back as well or not.

As he approached the house, Davac and Yunna were standing at the front door waiting for Geralt and Shaela to return. Yunna smiled as Geralt walked up to them, offering to show him to the guest room where he could rest for the night.

Shaela slowly made her way back to the house a few seconds after Geralt left, splashing her face with some cool water from the river to wash away the dried up tears. She greeted her parents with a quick nod, making a b-line up to her room.

The dark-haired female spent a while longer awake, replaying the events of the day in her mind. She felt a little bad for being so rude towards Geralt at first as he had offered to help her.

With her thoughts going a million miles an hour, she eventually passed out into a dreamless sleep.


Shaela awoke to the scent of bacon and eggs being baked, her stomach letting out a noise of hunger. She softly shook her head as she dragged herself out of bed, dressing into some good clothes to travel in before making her way towards the kitchen.

"Good morning, sweetie" Yunna greeted as she handed the girl a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon. She grabbed a plate for herself as well before the two joined Davac and Geralt at the table.

"Geralt here told us that you two were planning on leaving after breakfast" Davac spoke up after a few seconds of silence, causing Shaela to nearly choke on a mouthful of eggs. She had completely forgotten to mention it to Yunna and Davac the previous night.

Davac let out a soft laugh at the girl's flustered state, patting her hand in a reassuring manner. "We figured it might be good for you to go out there. We packed some supplies for the two of you for your trip." 

She gave him a thankful smile as the four of them finished up eating breakfast. Yunna and Davac followed Shaela and Geralt out the door to bid them goodbye. As said, Shaela's horse had been saddled with a bag of some simple supplies attached to the saddle.

"Good morning, Oidhche" she greeted her horse with a smile, patting the black mare's nose. It nickered softly to her as if greeting her back, greedily eating the apple the female offered.

Geralt watched her, his lips curled up just the slightest in a barely visible smile. He let out a soft chuckle at the raised brow she sent his way while mumbling a soft "don't judge" under her breath.

He hopped onto his own horse Roach, bidding his goodbye with a simple nod to the other two Witchers. He waited for Shaela to bid her own goodbye and getting onto her horse before he gently nudged Roach to leave the small town of Wyvernbourne.

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