Chapter 4

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Back at the peaceful and secured place at the Butterfly Estate, stuff being thrown and scattered around the hard wooden floor can be visibly heard from a former pillar's room. It was a hot and sunny day after a few days of their loved one officially isolated from their embrace. Not like its not a good thing, in fact they badly misses him right now.

Kanao and the others, were looking through Shinobu's old room to look for her journal. To possibly find a cure to turn a demon back into human. Just like what she did on Nezuko with the aid of the demons: Tamayo and Yushiro.

Though, there's quite a misconception throughout the process. Tamayo was missing as well as Yushiro. Shinobu was nowhere to be found. Who could possibly create this cure? They knew there's no one could do it with their little knowledge at pharmaceutical procedures, at this case, a "turn a demon back into human" medicine.

But their determination didn't stop at that possibility. They knew that it was really difficult to comprehend. Nonetheless, they barely knew how they work and how they were created. Needless to say, it would be troublesome if they ever experiment something simultaneously.

Letting out an annoyed and exhausted grunt, Inosuke gave up from intense scattering of old and ancient books. Zenitsu just ignored the boar head and continued to look for the book. Kanao didn't stop flipping through the pages of random notebooks. Nezuko helped as well by rearranging the already checked books.

"Seriously, what book is it?! I'm already tired!" Said Inosuke while wiping the sweat dripping on his forehead. He took off his mask since his head was recovering from his previous mission.

"Can you shut with your rants and keep searching? You're clearly ain't helping a lot. You need to be patient in order to find it." Said Zenitsu. He became calm and serious after knowing the news of Tanjirou a few days ago. As well as he wanted to comfort Nezuko by not being a nuisance to her. He is really trying hard.

Nezuko didn't say anything. As usual, her eyes are puffy from silent crying. She became depressed and would always scream internally. Her condition went unnoticed by everyone, her puffy eyes is an exception.

Kanao didn't bother replying nor shutting everyone up. She wanted to focus on one thing and that is to find the journal or a useful book. She was sweating badly but she didn't care nor bothered by it. She's always calm and tried to move on from the last visit.

Inosuke however, didn't change. It's because, he knew to himself that Tanjirou wouldn't give up on them. But in reality, he misses Tanjirou and his kindness. He actually wanted to go with Tanjirou even if he was a demon, just like what Tanjirou did while carrying the demon Nezuko on his back years ago.

Every night since then, Inosuke would feel the presence of a demon at the infirmary. Even if he's sleeping, his instincts would alarm him that there's a demon nearby. But he couldn't detect a killing intent that's why he couldn't wake up and just continue to sleep carelessly.

Knowing that everyone is trying hard to locate the journal, Inosuke hesitated and became silent afterwards as he continued to look for it until the end of the day.

Afternoon came when he shouted and laughed happily which everyone felt the urge to look at the beast pillar. They were annoyed but was exchanged with shock and happiness. Between Inosuke's hands, there was a purple colored book. "Shinobu Kochou" as what it was written on its front cover.

The book was filled with dust and webs. But it's still identical as a journal since it has the owner's name written on it. But why would Shinobu write her own name to its cover? It's a bit unusual since most journals have a blank cover on its front. Shinobu must've meant something about it.

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