"Sounds good. Now I'm going to go grab some lunch."

"And why are you going in there at this time of the night?"


Juliette winched, turning slowly, letting her hand fall from the doorknob. She had been caught.

It didn't particularly matter, but she didn't want anyone, King or not, to know she was getting an advantage.

It wasn't that late, only an hour after dinner.

"I left something behind after class," Juliette lied, looking straight at the Alpha King. He was closer then she first expected he was, his whole being casting a shadow over her.

Tight black shirt, fluffy black hair, enchanting silvers eyes. He was drool worthy, and he knew it.

"Is that right. I was just walking to my office when I came across you. You should be in you room," he said, his eyebrow raised.

"I will head back there soon, just let me get my..."


Jaxon folded his arms.


"Was it that important?"

"Well its not like I have a phone to lose now."

Irrelevant, but Juliette was still pissed at him for that.


"Yes, well done. See you are improving," Chris praised, giving Juliette a winning smile. She smiled back, liking the way his green eyes lit up.

"Its still hard though," she grumbled, pushing the math papers away from her. She hated math, but now with the help of Alpha Chris.

"I think you have done enough for the night, your roommate might be worrying," Chris said, standing. It had gotten dark quickly, do he had turned the classroom lights on. It unnerved Juliette.

"The King didn't seem to keen on me coming in class you know. What if he sees the light and comes in?" Juliette asked, packing her things up.

Chris shrugged.

"He wont find out, don't worry," Chris said softly, looking down at Juliette. There was a moment of quiet as the pair gazed at each other.

She felt like they were keeping some major affair from the King, and it left her slightly uncomfortable.

"I guess I will see you tomorrow," he spoke gently, his eyes still on Juliette's. Suddenly, something caught Juliette's gaze.

Sticking out of his pant pocket, was a cellphone.

"Can I borrow you phone to call someone?" She asked quickly. Chris narrowed his eyes, but only slightly.

"To call who?" He asked, pulling his phone from his pocket. Juliette bit her lip, knowing that if she said her boyfriend, he would probably have the same reaction Jaxon had.

"Family," she lied. She knew Chance was on a raid, but she wanted to at least leave a voicemail to let him know why she had to call of someone else's phone.

Chris handed her the phone, and Juliette dialed the number she knew all to well. She waited for the voicemail, but surprisingly, he answered.

"Hey babe," he said into the phone. He sounded slightly worried.

"Aren't you supposed to be on a raid?" Juliette asked. Chris eyes narrowed again, turning them into slits of bright green curiosity.

He was watching her, arms crossed, obviously suspicious that she as no longer talking to a family member.

"About that...the King wanted me to stay back. It was a last minute thing," Chance said, sounding all but happy about this. Juliette frowned.


"Who knows, but he wants me to be his bodyguard for this Sunday."

"What's happening this Sunday?"

"The King is bring the future Luna to the 30 day trial arena. Apparently he wants to officially ask her to his mate."

Juliette gasped. She didn't know why she was so shocked, she had suspected he had to have someone, but why was she so jealous?

"Will I be able to see you?"

"Of course. Look baby I have to go, I will see you on Sunday right?"

"Yes, love you."

And he was gone. Juliette handed the phone back to the Alpha.

"Thanks," she muttered. She was out the door in seconds, afraid Chris might see her tears.

Juliette Kerson

Nothing major to report in her daily. I did catch her sneaking into Alphas Chris's classroom, to apparently obtain something she left behind after class. I will be keeping an eye on her and Alpha Chris's behaviour.

Alpha King.

Jaxon's assistant, Olivia looked over Juliette's daily.

"Is that necessary?" She asked, pointing to the bottom of the paper. Jaxon glared at her.

"Yes," he gritted out. He knew she was talking about his suspicions.

Was he jealous?

He wanted know exactly what she was actually doing in that classroom.

Had Alpha Chris seduced her ready?

The thought made him clench his fists against his desk. Olivia watched him with a raised eyebrow.

"Where are you going? You have everyone else's daily's to finish first," Olivia called, as Jaxon stood, pushing his chair back.

"I need to see someone, I will be back."

He sassy little Alpha isn't he :p

Sunday shall be interesting ;)

Keep voting and commenting :D

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