Chapter 21

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(Your POV)

I wake up from my slumber after that night. Feeling kind of sluggish and drowsy. The sunlight coming from the sun made living room was so bright that it stung my eyes a little. After a while of trying to process everything, I noticed that no one was in the living room.

So I got up so searched for them, but I didn't really need to do that because they weren't that far away. The smell of pancakes, bacon, and eggs filling up the room. And it was a little noisy too, it looked like Eren and Rin was having a conversation while Mikasa just watched them quietly. But the noises of the pancakes frying and the bacon sizzling is what made up most of it.

Eren eyes wandered around before metting eye contact with me. ''Oh- Morning (Y/N)! How did ya sleep?" The first was to noticed and greet me today was Eren, which he was still trying to keep track of the food he was cooking. ''Actually, I slept well. Just kind of wish I could sleep more."

Then she turned towards my direction and greeted me as well. By she I meant Mikasa. ''Good morning (Y/N)'' she spoke in her usual blunt tone. I replied with a morning and walked towards the counter, so I could try to see what's going on in the kitchen.

But thoughts of last night came to my mind as I tried to brush it off.

"Hey (Y/N), I'm cooking the pancakes, while Eren's cooking the bacon and eggs.'' Rin talked in a cheery tone that lightened the mood a bit, but a presence of a foul smell reached my nostrils. ''That's cool. Um..Eren. Why does the eggs smell like that?''

''Like what- Oh!'' He turned around quickly and aided to the eggs, but they didn't smell like eggs anymore. Mikasa sighed, while Rin was trying to help Eren. And I just stood there awkwardly, I guess it looks like it'll just be pancakes and bacon for breakfast.


(Mikasa POV)

At some point we were all able to sit down at the table. But somehow a certain rapid weasel was able to get the seat next to (Y/N) instead of me. I don't even recall what happened, but now I have Eren sitting beside me instead. At least I have (Y/N) right in front of me.

(Y/N), Eren, and Rin were all talking amongst each other as I stayed quiet, also while eating my breakfast. I can't help but in up staring at the beautiful human in front of me. The way his hair is so fluffy, and his eyes when the glow up in the light, just makes me feel bubbly inside. Even the way he laughs and eats is adorable.

At some point during their conversation, Rin spotted something on (Y/N)'s cheek. ''Hey (Y/N), you have something on your face-" He pointed out. ''Oh where? Here?'' (Y/N) tried to get it off, but Rin told him that he didn't get it.

Few seconds later, Rin held a towel in his hand and started to reach over towards his face. ''Here. let me help real qui-''.

''I got it." I leaned over the table, and wipe the crumb off that was on his face. ''See? It's gone now.'' Then, (Y/N)'s face was turning red a little bit, even though it wasn't that noticeable.

(Your POV)

"Thanks Mikasa.'' Even though I think I had it, Mikasa got it off instead. But the mood in the room was very diverse. I noticed that Mikasa was staring daggers at Rin, as if she wanted to kill him or something.

It was quiet for a while, so I came up with something to break it up. ''A-anyway, the food's good!'' I kind of yelled that out without realizing it. ''Yeah it is, it's like Eren and I can open up our own restaurant or something.'' Rin responded before taking another bite.

Then the mood lifted as we started to joke around about names for Rin and Eren's fantasy restaurant...

Happy New Years, even though I kind of late. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

Also, enjoy the rest of you day!1/2/21


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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