As he and I walked outside, I turned to look at the front of my house. My dad had tried to grow flowers in the front yard, and they were failing horribly.

Tim looked over to where I was looking, "we should show dad how beautiful his flowers look," He said teasingly.

"Pfft. If we can get him out of bed."

My dad, now that he's retired, is now sleeping in every morning. And my mum? Well, she's decided to join him. Damn my lazy parents. Not that I really cared that they slept in. It was better this way-with no annoying parents to interrupt me as I got ready for the day.

Me and Tim kept walking down our quiet street all the way to our high school located a few blocks away. The high, green gates were open to let the 1000+ kids that go to this school inside.

The school was old, but it was very big. All the classes were inside except for p.e, and we were one of the biggest schools in our state.

I looked up at the giant bulletin board that was located in front off the main office. Under our school name (which was Katoomba High) was all of our classes for today. I had Science, Maths, Art and a free period. But instead of going to class today, I was going to Korea, for the biggest adventure of my life. I started to dance on the spot then stopped when a few people gave me strange looks. Like I said, I'm weird.


I swiveled around and smiled as a very bouncy Lauren jumped towards me.

"Hey Laurasaurus the friendly dinosaur." I said loudly. Don't ask about her nickname, it's a friend thing.

"Hey Kitty." She replied winking.

We hugged quickly and began to walk towards the library, where all the Korea exchange students were meeting.

"So Kitty, what happened on your weekend? When you rudely didn't invite me over or anything." Lauren punched me jokingly in the arm.

"Sorry! I thought you were 'busy' with Brian." I said teasingly, wiggling my eyebrows.

Brian is... well I have no idea who Brian is. All I know is that he's some guy that Lauren met at a party a week ago.

"Well... He said he wants to go out with me." She said excitedly.

"Good for you..." I was jealous. Very jealous. Lauren found guys wherever she went. She is the definition of beautiful. Her honey brown hair tumbled down in natural curls. Her blue eyes didn't need makeup-they were already unbelievably stunning, and her pink lips held a bright smile.

"Are you still jealous of me? Don't worry Kitty, you're a beautiful girl, the perfect guy is out there made especially for you." She smiled and walked into the library, still happy and cheery.

"Yeah right." I murmured to myself before walking into the library.

The library was the most awesome building in the whole school. Everybody knew that. It had a modern design, so many books and a giant air conditioner. Thank goodness for the air conditioner. It also had an elevator to go to the second floor, which had even more books. Unfortunately, only teachers were allowed to use the elevator. Students had to use the stairs.

"Let's go to Mr Harney." Lauren said pulling me towards a table.

We passed a few people, probably in here for the same Korea excursion, and made our way to the table where the well-groomed teacher was sitting.

Mr Harney, the good looking English teacher -the extremely good looking English teacher- looked up at me and Lauren.

"Hey guys."

"Hey." Lauren and I said cheerily.

"Are you going on the Korean excursion?" Lauren asked while batting her eyelashes.

I giggled to myself. Typical Lauren. Flirting with a teacher. Well... He was pretty hot...

"Uh, yeah. Me and Miss Trish are going." He said grinning.

"Oh okay." Lauren replied looking a little too flirty. "Soo... Mr Har-"

I tugged her away from a very confused looking Mr Harney.

"Lauren! That's our English teacher!"

"Sorry! He's cute."

"Yeah that's true..."

We both laughed loudly.

Me and Lauren were best friends from the start. Ever since year 8 we've been best buds. And were still best friends now, in year 12. We instantly became friends when we both realized we had the same sense of humor. We laugh every single day, so we won't be getting cancer any time soon.

"Okay guys!" A small but girly voice called out. "Everyone for the Korea excursion, gather round!" She called out, rounding up the students.  

"Alright kids, I have some good news, and some bad news." The teacher I recognized as Miss Trish said, scrunching up her eyebrows.  

"The good news, is that we will be leaving for the excursion in-twenty minutes." She said, briefly checking her watch.  

"The bad news, is that due to a shortage of seats on the flight, we will only be able to take twelve of you. We were considering taking the rest of you on a second flight, but we realized that would be too time consuming. I will read out the list of people that will be going, and the rest will commence your normal activities at school."


What if I don't get to go? It has been my lifelong dream to go to Korea. What if I have to stay, and miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime? It's not everyday that you're asked to go on a free 14-day trip to Korea.

I listened to the last few names that Miss Trish called out. "...Melvin, Kasey, Lauren, Jamie." 

She paused an looked around.

Please keep going. Call out my name. Please. Please. Please.

"And that's it."

Ple- ...please?

My heart felt like it exploded through my chest. My head was pounding. I felt like I was going to faint.

"W-what?" I called out quietly.

"I'm so sorry Kittani, only a few..."

That's all I heard Miss Trish say. I zoned out, and for a second, the room was quiet.

"What!" My heart-rate lurched and sped up. My head began pounding at a mile a minute. "After all I've done for the school! Now you do this!" Was I being over-dramatic? Hell no! This was the single most important trip of my life, and now I wasn't allowed to go! 

"I've been your top student for 2 years. I-I have top grades in Maths, Science, E-E-"

Then the pounding stopped, and darkness came over me.


This is short but the next chapter will be way longer.  

Next chapter will me much longer, I promise ^.^ 

Vote, and comment :D

Love from Juliana, a very friendly little dinosaur :)

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 18, 2012 ⏰

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