The Wattpad War

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Hey guys :) this is my new book 'The Wattpad War'  

This is the prologue. I was going to start writing in a few months, but decided to start it now so... Read till your eyes explode!!!!!

~Juliana :)


The Wattpad War


"Does that mean hello?"

"No, you just called me a bowl of oatmeal."

"Oh. Darn."

I shut the 'Speaking Korean for Dummies' book shut and crossed my arms. "Why do I keep saying stuff wrong?"

"It's because you smell like cabbage." My brother replied stupidly.

"That doesn't even make-never mind." I said, dropping the subject.

Today, is going to be the most amazing day of my life. I, Kittani Summits, will be going to Korea for a student exchange program. The only thing that I hate about it is that I have to learn a few Korean words before I get there. I probably should of learned a few phrases by now, but of course, I left it till the last day.

'Stupid, stupid Kittani.' I thought to myself.

"Stop being so grumpy, Kitty," My brother said whilst putting his arm around me.

"Oh come on Tim. I have a right to be grumpy. I have to learn at least how to say 'hello' in Korean, and I can't even do that!"

"Well, maybe you shouldn't of waited till the last day, that was kind of stu-OW!"

I slapped Tim over the head, messing up his long, brown emo-looking hair.

"Shut the hell up," I tussled his hair a little and stood up. "Also, cut your hair. You look like a chick."

He replied as I walked away, "I'll cut mine when you cut yours!"

Haha. Yeah right. I would never cut my hair. It was my best feature, for sure. It lay down my back and fell to my bum. I always kept it this length.

I flipped my hair and sauntered into my room. I pulled open a drawer and put on my favourite top-a light blue shirt with Mordecai and Rigby on the front.


A familiar sound came from my phone.

"Ooh! Wattpad." I said excitedly.

I danced over to my phone and read the new message on my page.

'Thanks for the add :) let's chat sometime'

I smiled and replied.

'Its okay :) btw your books amazing'

"Oh Wattpad, I love you more than all of the magical unicorns that wear tuxedos in the world." I said while pretending to kiss my phone passionately. Yea, I'm kinda weird. 

 I scrolled through my newsfeed and laughed at the posts made on the discussion I made. Gosh, these people made me laugh. Wattpad has been part of my life for almost exactly a year now. I planned to celebrate by having a one person party in my room. Anyway, I have checked Wattpad everyday for the last year. It never got old. There was always a new story, a funny new discussion, or more comments on my short stories. Wattpad was a permanent part of my life. 

i grabbed my school bag and stuffed my phone into it along with my water bottle and Ipod. I pulled my bulging suitcase out from under my bed and sighed. Today was the last day I was going to see my parents for 14 days. I was going to miss them, but I was fine. I went out all the time with friends so I was kind of used to being away from my them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2012 ⏰

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