Chapter 2: 1-800-Slap-A-Bitch.

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Kat's P.O.V.
Chapter 2.

"Kat! Get up." Morgan whisper yelled as I groaned and tried to block out her voice by pulling the covers up to block my ears.

"Go away." I whine.

"No, you've been gone for a good three months, get you ass up Katherine." Morgan says as I groan and throw the cpvers off of me and glare at the blonde haired girl.

"Don't you have kids to take care of?" I ask her as her eyes narrow.

"Up. Now." She demands as I swing my feet over and land on the floor with a light thud.

"I'm going, sheesh women." I mumble as I stretch my arms making my shirt riase slightly.

"New tattoo?" Gaby asks as she leans on the doorway. I nod before running a hand threw my hair. I had gotten a new tattoo on my hip with Ayden spelled out in a swirly text with his left foot print next to it.

"Ayden." Morgan mumbles.

"Yup." I say popping the P.

"So what's up?" I ask Morgan and Gaby who smile.

"Girl's day, you, Morgan, Emma and I." Gaby says exciment clear in her voice.

"What about Rose?" I ask as they shrug.

"She's sick." Morgan mumbles as I nod.

"Can I bring Ayden?" I ask as they nod.

"You probably need time with him." Gaby states as I nod. I quickly change in to some dark blue skinny jeans and a purple long sleeve shirt and black trench coat on top with some black laced booties. I grabbed my bag and phone before making my way to the girls.

"Ready?" I ask as they nod. Ayden soon emerges dressed warmly Max walking behind him.

"Call if you need anything." He tells me as I nod and grab a hold of Ayden's hand. We go outside while Max says bye to Emma.

"You okay with that?" Morgan asks motioning to the bus.

"Yeah, I like her. Plus she has a daughter so she has a motherly instinct in her." I tell them as they nod. Emma soon emerges as we smile.

"Well the APMA's are coming up and we are required to dress well." Morgan states as we get to her car.

"Ugh, more dress shopping." I mutter as Emma laughs.

"I"m with Kat, can't we just go eat food or something." She states as both girls look at us as if we're crazy.

"I like her." I mumble as Ayden looks at me.

"Can we get pizza?" He asks happily.

"How didn't we notice he was Max's son earlier, the kid begs for pizza like him." Gaby states as I shrug.

"We'll order pizza tonight alright kiddo?" I ask as he nods quickly before turning back to the game he was playing on my phone. The mall was busy, shoppers going from store to store buying whatever they could get thier hands on, and the holiday season was already over.

"So Ayden, what did you dad get you for Christmas?" I ask him as he smiles.

"A new X-Box." He says.

"More of a gift for himself really." Emma mumbles as I nod in agreement.

"I still owe you a present kiddo, what do you want for a late Christmas present?" I ask him as he shurgs.

"I want to go to Disney Land." He states as I laugh.

"Really?" I ask as he nods and grabs a hold of my hand pulling me towards where the other three girls were walking a few feet ahead of us.

Behind: TJ Bell Fanfic.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum