"Me and Sadie Sink found are way to each other and found a new discovery with the help of your fellow members." He continued and paused.

"We, the Blood Pack and the Soul Vultures Gangs are officially declaring a peace treaty to fight as comrades against this new threat." I continued already hearing harsh whispers and whines.

"This is a new change for all of us, but it might not even be forever! This treaty could last until we get back our members. Because with research from our gang we saw that they have double the gang members than one of us do." Finn said louder to hush their voices, instead of pausing to let me speak he continued, "My gang members will show equal respect to Sadie as you do to me." My eyes widened but I understood.

"That also goes for my gang. Show Finn respect, although I hate admitting that we need our rival gangs help." I said. Voices rose again as people came to discuss.

"No! This should be our decision of the people too! We have a voice!" Someone yelled out from Finns gang.

"You cant just barg out of no where and demand for respect!"


"This should be a majority vote!"

Angry voices filled the air opposing mine and Finns idea. A tall guy came up the hill with some of his friends. "Finn you cant do this! Were not going to listen to some Skank! We could take out the enemy ourselves!" He suggested. Finn opened his mouth to say something but was interupted.

I immediately and very quickly went behind the guy in a flash and held my pocket knife close to his throat. "I see you have no respect for your leaders wishes....that's quite a burden...isnt it?"

The whole place went dead quite. You could hear the rats clattering around trying to find food.

"What a show you've shown upon your comrades." I said, I could hear his pounding heart beat. His breath increased and I saw little droplets forming on his forehead. "I could get rid of that burden for you.." I pressed the knife on his throat, his friends flinching and aching to jump forward and save him, but fear consumed their eyes.

Finn stepped forward with a grin plastered on his face.
"You're more dangerous than I thought Sink. As much as I hate to burst your bubble we cant afford losing more people if we are going to get back the two we want."

The boy finally let his breath out, relieved he wouldnt have to die. "Disobey again and you know what happens next." I whispered and let go of my grip on the blade.

"Sadie! What did you do now?" Jaeden called out of breath. Lucas came behind him ready to pass out from running so much.

"Dude I swear it wasnt me!" I said holding my hands up.
"You all saw what happened...you'll listen to us both." Finn said out of no where. It was all still quite. Too quite for my preference.

"Yeah yeah yeah, my gang knows what's up, your all too quite...its creeping me out." I said and shuddered. They are all usually so loud and nosy.

"Let's begin!" Finn shouted to the crowd and turned toward me. "Begin? Begin what? Arent we just signing a temporary contract?" I asked confused. I looked to Lucas and Jaeden who looked just as confused as me.

"Well I guess but theres a bit more to it that that. I hope your not scared of blood." Finn replied with that stupid smug face of his. "After almost splitting your comrades throat open do you really think I'm scared of blood?" I said raising my eyebrows and crossing my arms.

He only smirked in response and waved his hand to Jack to come over. In Jack's hand was an old, black wooden box. At this point the place was still quite, everyone was curious to see how the treaty was to be done.

Finn took it and opened the box carefully. He reached in and pulled out a knife. I furrowed my eyebrows and Jaeden stepped in front of me, still allowing me to see what's happening. "Its alright Jaeden...trust comes first right?" I whispered. He still stood his guard in front of me. I sighed and dealed with it, he has some weird thing of overprotective best friend.

Finn flipped his head, gesturing me to come next to him. Jaeden went first and I stood beside finn, following by Lucas. "Were signing our names in the treaty with the blood of the leaders." Jack said and smiled at me.

Great, I thought. Just great.

Jack and Maddie then stood beside Finn, me and him in the middle, all six of us, almost like a wedding, were theres the wife and husband, and their best man/girl.
Finn held the knife in his right hand and carefully placed it on his left hand.

"Theres no going back on this deal, our scars will prove that." And with that being said, Finn cut into his skin, as the blade kept running across his hand. Jack then grabbed a shot sized glass and let Finns blood ooze into it. Maddie then gave finn cloth and alcohol to avoid infection. Then Finn handed the knife to me.

I looked at him, and sighed,
"Fuck it."
And with that I cut deep into my hand and ran it across my hand. Maddie and Jack then did their jobs.

"All you need to do is sign with these quilts. You guys can keep your blood." Jack announced and handed us both quils. This time, Maddie had handed Lucas the contract which he presented to us.

"On three well both sign it ok?" Finn said and dipped his quil into his blood, me doing the same and nodding my head.

I let out a breath and Finn counted on three.




Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Its longer than usual so I hope you liked it. What will happen next? Will the gangs ever get along? Will the treaty be temporary or permanent? Find out in the next chapter and be sure to vote and comment!

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