Part 4, "Hello, Maureen."

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    Sidney was getting ready to go over to billy's house, she packed her brown messenger bag, which was on her bed, with clothes, a tooth brush, and toothpaste.

She was in the bathroom near her bedroom, messing with her a bit, but she soon decided on a simple ponytail. Her brown bangs hanging out, looking at she let out a sigh, moving her hair a bit, seeing her big brown eyes. "Sidney!" she heard her mother yell, "Yeah?" she yelled back. "Are you ready? it's almost dark out!" Sidneys eyes widened before running to her room and grabbing her bag. she ran down the white stairs where her mother was.

Her mother had puffy, wavy, brown hair, light eyes, and would wear a fancy over coat, pants, and heels.

Her mother smiled at her before kissing her head, "Stay safe sweetie." sid hugged her, "I will mom." and just like that sid was heading out the white front door.

She closed the door behind her, holding her keys in one hand. when she looked she saw another car parked in the driveway. Sid has saw this car before, she thinks his name was 'Cotton Weary?' but she wasn't certain. She walked down the long white wooden staircase of the porch, once she was down by her car, her curiosity grew. She walked near the car, looking in the windows, just to see..

No one. that was peculiar, though Sidney didn't Care, she was focused on getting to billy's house to hang out.

her face burned a slight, thinking about it, they have only been together for a year, sure, they were both 17, but their relationship was pretty Hot and Heavy.

Sidney shook her head from the thoughts, grabbing her car door, before opening and getting inside. She inserted the key, pushed the petal, and she was soon on the road towards billy's house.

Once sidney was far enough away, stu popped up from the bush he was hiding in, slowly creeping towards a deep red car. 'Maybe there's a phone in here?' Stu was unsure but he didn't want to go in the house, not yet anyways. He was nervous.

He was crouched down, his shaking hand reached for the handle of the drivers seat. Surprisingly, it opened. "Who doesn't lock their car?" Stu said in a whisper, shaking his head, "people these days." he smacked his lips before slowly entering the car.

The car smelled pretty awful, it smelt of, Sex, and horrible mans body spray. Stu gagged a bit before entering all the way into the car. This started his search.

He looked in the floors and seats first, finding nothing, he moved on to the compartments. he wasn't confident in finding anything but it was better than entering the house and being forced to hide and sneak around.

He firstly looked in the front seats pockets on the back, he saw what the colon was, "Horrible taste, really, how would you get any girl with that?" he shook his head again. Finally he opened the compartment in the passengers side. He clicked the small entrance as it bounced open, revealing plenty of paperwork, an ID card, and a black cell-phone. Stu's eyes widened and lightened, "guess i won't have to go inside after all." he let out a quick huff as a big grin smacked him on his lips.

He put on a black glove, that billy gave him to hide his fingerprints when he found a phone, and grabbed the phone. he was about to leave, before he scrambled back over and took a look at the ID card, "Cotton weary, huh, cause today your gonna be blamed for something you didn't do." He grinned before putting the ID card back, then slamming the compartment closed and crawling out of the car. He scrambled back to the forest bush.

Stu looked dumbfounded for a second, "What was her number again?" before he remembered,

"Here's her number, don't forget it." Y|N told him, giving him a piece of paper.
"How did you get her number?" stu asked.
"Found it in my dads old contacts list, which isn't important, don't lose it, i'm not looking through anymore of my dads things." she shivered at the thought.
"Alright, Alright." Stu shoves the paper into his back pocket.

"Back pocket.!" stu raised his whisper a bit before searching his back pocket of his jeans. Sure enough, he felt the paper, "This is going pretty smoothly." he dialed the number in the phone.

"Hello?" someone said, clearly Maureen.
"Hello, Maureen." Stu said with the voice changer, making his voice deeper.
"Who's this?" She asked moving around her house, which stu could see, since the windows curtains were almost clear. And the forest being somewhat close.

"That's not important. What is, is that you need to be in the forest near your house." Stu tried to rush it, wanting his adrenaline to calm down.

"How do you know i have a forest near my house?"  She twirled the curved wire of the plain hanging house phone.

"Look, Maureen, I don't want to answer your questions, i want you to answer mine." Stu stopped trying to rush it, and instead wanted to tease her a bit.

Maureen got a bit of fear growing in the pit of her stomach before pushing it aside, "What possible questions could you want to ask?" she sounded a bit snarky.

"Calm down, Feisty, I want to know what your favorite horror movie is." Stu felt as if he was getting into the plan billy and Y|N had set up.

"I don't watch horror movies, neither should anyone for that matter, it's repulsing."

Stu frowned a bit, "How is it 'Repulsing', Exactly."

"The whole genre is repulsing, it only activates more murder by giving psychos ideas of how to kill innocent people." She started matter-of-factly.

"Alright, I have another question."
"What is it now." her voice dropped with annoyance, She walked over to her living room, turning her TV onto a late night show.

"What are you watching right now?"

Maureen's eyes widened she coked out a "W-what.?"

"What show are you watching in your living room, right now."

"How the hell do you know that i'm watching something?!" Her fear grew in her stomach.

"Guess what door i'm at first."

"Where are you?!" she looked around vigorously.

"I said i wasn't answering your questions, maureen." Stu made his voice sound like he was screaming at her.

"Now, like i've asked before, GO OUT TO THE FOREST OR ILL GUT YOU LIKE A FISH."

Maureen jumped a bit, "F-Fine, i will.." She chokes out, a bit of tears in her eyes.

She opened the front door, walking down the staircase and heading towards the forest.

Maureen kept walking deeper in the forest, holding her jacket for warmth. Her stomach still held fear in it as she walked, it was night, who knows What could be out.

Her adrenaline kicked when she heard a twig snap behind her. "Who's there?!" she turned around quickly.


She tried to calm her breath, "It's probably an animal.." she whispered to herself, she didn't know how far the person on the phone wanted her to go, but she had a feeling that if she went back she would be murdered.

She stopped for a minute, Footsteps, She heard footsteps running at her. She turned quickly once more, her heart pounding. She saw a flash of black and white, it was heading Towards her. She screamed before running up the hill of the mountain, She should of taken off her heels before running.

She immediately fell right after she starting running over all the stumps and leaves. Her knee bashed into the root, causing a sting in her knee.

She let out a whimper, as tears flooded out. She heard the footsteps again this time they were more heavy.

She turned her head to see a ghost face looking mask, and a black cloak. her eyes widened seeing a silver bucker knife in the hands of said person. That's when she realized

She was going to Die.

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