Chapter 20 Allies Past

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That must have happened during those two years Alex and I were gone. I would have known about it if I was around.

"ALLIE STOP!" I shout after her. She ignores me and runs into a room locking the door. I would pick the lock but I know that would shatter her trust for me. "Allie I know your in there." That was stupid of course I know she's in there. "Allie please I'm sorry I yelled at you I just want you safe....I overreacted I know.." I hear nothing on the other side. "Please Allie I'm here for you I'm always here for you ."

"But you weren't," her voice is soft and scratchy. I can tell she's starting to cry. "You weren't there. You left. You left me behind.

I needed you Grace! But you weren't there. You were too flighty I didn't trust you too stick around I still don't. So I tried to find someone I could. It didn't end well."

"I'm sorry. This is my fault," I admit.

"No that's were your wrong. The worst part of it is that I'm the only one to blame I did this to my self. It's me fault and mine alone." Sighing I back away from the door. At this point I know she's done talking. Slowly I turn and walk to the designated area for the dwarves.


"I'm sorry I should have told you as soon as you came back what happened but I swore not to. I'm sorry now because can't tell you. She must say it herself," Emily rambles when I walk up.

"Does Bilbo know too?" I ask.

"Yes but he will not tell either," Emily informs.

"What was that?" Sam asks walking up.

"Something I don't even know about," I admit.

"Well you have to know something," Sam presses.

"What I know is little but I will say it anyway," I relent. It's time they know some they don't accidentally extremely offend Allie. I notice Thorin and Gandalf are gone but I pay no mind.

"Allie was the middle child in her family. She had an older sister and a younger brother. Now you'd think Allie would never get lonely but she did. Her parents didn't pay much thought to her at all. After all she wasn't the oldest and she wasn't a boy so she had no rights in the family. She was forgotten when the family went places and went they left places.

One day she parents forgot her when they went on a boating trip. Her whole family drowned in that trip. She was considered lucky or cursed. Her great uncle the thain of hobbits in other words the ruler. He thought she was cursed and ordered to have her drowned.

That's when Alex and I showed up for the second time. See the first time I met Allie she was 3 and I was ages older.

I knew she was my platonic seconds after we met but she was 3 so she didn't have the mark. So I decided to come back when she was of age and I wish I came earlier.

Alex and I managed to scare the hobbits into saving Allie from her fate. Allie didn't have a lot of issues with the death of her family after all they forgot about her 9 times out of 10 but she wasn't a very happy person. So Alex and I made a home near the Shire that's we always returned to after missions. This went on for years and we met Emily so we thought life was good. Emily clicked with Allies family troubles and accepted the protection Alex and I offered. Things despite being so awful and messed up were nice.

That's where I made my mistake. I thought Allies life was stable enough so I could leave her for two years on a long term mission. I left and when I came back she wasn't the same. She was happier but it was a kind of forced happiness. That name on he stomach happened while I was gone. I never left her again."

"So Emily and Bilbo know what happened?" Fili asks after a money of silence.

"Yes but she made us swear not to tell no matter what," Bilbo cuts in. The air is tense and the dwarves somber.

"We can't betray her trust like that," Emily elaborates.

"What about your family troubles Emily? Is this why you wanted Alex and Grace it make their next target your dad?" Fili asks.

"Yes it is. My mother was murdered in front of me and my dad blames me. So I let him take it out on me for the longest time because I thought it was my fault."

"Do you still think it is?" Oin asks I can tell he's itching to check on Allie scars and make sure Emily isn't harmed.

"No and I'm done talking about this good night," Emily snarls and retreats to her bed roll. Sam hastily follows I can tell she wants to talk with Emily. She is her soul sister after all.

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