Why me?

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A ponding in her head thump thump thump was all she could feel, she couldn't see anything her eyes were closed tight the pain was so unbearable but she knew she had to keep her arms up and take the hits, was this how it finally ended?would this be it? would she finally be free?. "Look at me" he shouted she felt another punch to the face this time she screamed in pain it was like nothing she ever felt before and that's when she felt herself floating away into the darkness.

(6 months later)
"Ok your gonna be here we have requested for you to share a room ok? We need to know you aren't always alone after what you have been through you need to make some friends Em" Tammy her social worker told her softly all she could do was nod "ok I've talked to the dean and he knows what he needs to and also Dr Spence said he will meet with you later today and will be keeping and eye out and is there for anything that you need but Em you should try to get out there nothing is gonna happen to you again ok" another nod "ok il text you later and see how your first day goes ok and just coz you're younger than most people hear don't be afraid ok, you're super smart you deserve to be here and well more than most here that's why you got the scholarship" she smiled and watched the girl get out and go towards the campus to find the her dorm she gets into the building and heads towards 108 carrying the small box of her belongings that she had keeping her head down only glancing at each door quickly to see the numbers as she passes then she felt it she caught her foot on something and fell forward dropping the box and her things scattering across the floor looking around trying to see her things and the most important thing she goes to grab it but a foot on it stops her hand "oh look a new nerd on campus ugh the last thing we need" the blonde says as she crunches her foot down breaking the glass tears come in Emma's eyes seeing her most precious possession being broken like this "oh yeah just what we need ha,what's your name four eyes?" Another deeper voice growled at her she didn't look up she knows how this goes "hey" she felt it on top of her head a hand on her hair "she is talking to you freak" then her hair is pulled she just growls in pain "Kat leave it she's obviously a freak lets go" the brunette smirks at her and walks away the blonde stomping on the glass one more time before letting her hair go and following her friend "you're lucky freak but I will get you hahaha" she laughed down the hall Emma picked up the frame and the shattered glass fell to the floor tears streaming down her face she put the rest of her stuff in the box and finally reached her room she got to the door and looked in the envelope for the key and finally opened the door looking inside she saw her roommate had unpacked her stuff she looked around and got to her other bits that were already moved in she decided to unpack everything and set up her things like her stereo, laptop books she will need and her guitar after almost two hours she got it all done and decided to videocall granny she sat at her desk in front of the laptop "oh Emma,my love how are you?are you all settled in?" Granny signed "no" Emma signed back tears forming in her eyes as she looks at the broken picture frame "oh honey what's wrong?" "Nothing, I just miss home and my mom I already don't like it here" after a few more minutes of signing they hear the door open they just carry on and say they would chat again soon Emma turns from her laptop to see that her new roommate for her face to fall when she sees who it is "oh no no not happening I'm not living with you no way" the brunette shouts at her "are they crazy not only are you a freak but mute too no no no" she gets up and leaves slamming the door behind her Emma stands there not understanding why would her life have to be so cruel to her she was a nice person always kept to herself helped people when they need and cared so much for other and animals what did she ever do to deserve such a life now her college days will be nothing but torture like most of her life has been since been in foster care one bad home after the other she thought to herself "Why Me?"

Hope you like this chapter so far bit shorter this time thanks for reading

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