Starstruck 33. Creating Memories

Start from the beginning

“Have your coffee first.” I placed the hot mug in front of her. She took it with a look of gratitude and had a sip. “There’s nothing like the smell of coffee in the morning,” she said, replacing the mug on the table.

I sat next to her, kissing her on the forehead quickly. “Speak for yourself baby. You’re the one who smells like coffee.”

“Don’t you just want to taste me because of that?” she smirked.

“Been there done that Glace.”

She rolled her eyes. “Hey! You loved it so don’t make it sound like a chore.” I raised my hands in surrender. She smiled in satisfaction and stared at the food. “So. . . I must have done something right to deserve this feast from you. It’s that or this is your way of saying goodbye.” My appetite vanished at her last statement. “I’m right aren’t I Dulce?”

“Glace. . .” When she didn’t glance at me, I took her cheeks with both of my hands, turning her to face me.

“I already know about it,” she said, halting what I was about to say. “Your mom told me after you called her. Don’t worry baby, I’m not mad for not telling me immediately. If anything, I’m proud of you for agreeing to do this.” She swallowed hard. “I’ll miss you though.”

It took a while before I found my voice. It felt like I was choking, missing her already even when she was still in front of me. How could I survive not seeing her for the longest time? It was beyond me. “I don’t want to talk about it,” I said in an even tone. “Let’s cross the bridge when we get there. Right here, right now, I want to do everything that we’ve never done before.”

“What do you mean?”

I let go of her face, shrugging. “We met when we were 7 right?” She nodded. “Then we got separated and met each other again last year when we were 17. We haven’t had a date from ages 8 to 16.” Glace smiled, looking like she already knew what I was planning. “So,” I continued. “I want to do everything that we would have done when we were children until we’re 16. Consider it as catching up.”

Glace stood up in excitement, her raven hair swaying at the movement. “Let’s do it now!”

Touching her arm gently, I guided her back to the chair. “Woah! Slow down there cowboy. First we need to eat breakfast.” I motioned to the sandwich. “Let’s not waste the food I prepared.”

“Okay,” she mumbled, beginning to attack the bacon so we could start everything.

That night, I walked to the kitchen with a silly smile on my face. Opening the fridge I called out to Glace who was in the living room. I hope she’d hear me. “Baby, do you want soda?”

“I don’t drink that,” she called back. “I had Eris buy that for you. Get me the juice instead.”

Nodding to myself, I took the bottle of juice, a can of soda, and a pint of yogurt. I should have brought a bag, I scolded myself as I opened the pantry next and grabbed a box of Oreo and chips, balancing everything in my arms. Walking back to the living room, Glace saw me and hurriedly went to my side, taking half of my loot in her hands. “So much junk food,” she said with a frown.

“You shouldn’t have bought it if you weren’t going to eat it,” I teased. Glace and Eris were such health freaks. No wonder they became good friends.

“Hey I bought that for you,” she pouted.

“That’s so sweet of you,” I chuckled. Ducking low, I entered the space we created, pushing the pillows aside so there would be room for the food on the floor.

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