Detention Mr. Potter

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James, Sirius and Remus were walking to the Great Hall. All of them were laughing at Sirius' joke while they sit in their usual spot in the Gryffindor table. Lily greeted the three and they procedeed to eat breakfast. Once in while Gryffindors, especially girls, glance at James direction. The stag animagus was oblivious to all of the starings and continued enjoying his breakfast, even the two Marauders were looking at him. Remus decided to cut the silence,

"Are you not going to ask Snape on a date?"

James choked on his drink. He didn't think anyone would actually ask him for it and to be completely honest he wasn't sure if he would still continue. He was still on cloud nine with what happened last night. He could still feel the sensation of hugging Severus and his face close to him, the words they both said and the feeling that he had a chance. But tradition is tradition and he had a crowd to please. He took a moment to think of what to say but in the end, the simpler the better. He stood on the table, and the Gryffindors applauded and he bowed to the crowd. Soon, everyone on the Great Hall was in full attention to James. The stag animagus raised his hand to silence the crowd and took a deep breath,


McGonagall was shaking her head, she had enough of the animagus' behavior.

"Mr. Potter!"

Lily looked at her friend from across the table, Severus bowed his head and was moving food around, Regulus caught the Gryffindor looking in their direction and he smiled, the Redhead giggled. The deputy headmistress' warning didn't stop James so he continued,


"That's it Mr. Potter! Detention!"

McGonagall was fuming and the Headmaster smiled while sipping on his goblet, he was secretly pleased. Severus stabbed at the peas on his plate, his face was flushed. James grinned at his fellow Gryffindors, he was used with detentions so he started stepping down from the table. Then a loud stomp in the Slytherin table was heard, the Great Hall's attention was now focused on Severus who was standing on top of the table. He was blushing furiously and his head was down, everyone from the Great Hall was waiting for his response.

"Ye . . . "

McGonagall stood up from her table and Severus took a deep breath, he stared at James and said,

"YES! I'll go out on a date with you . . . "

James face lit up, Remus dropped his sausage, Sirius stood up from his seat, Lily gasped and Regulus was smiling, he knew his friend had been rehearsing this moment last night.

"Mr. Snape . . . "

McGonagall cleared her throat,

"I'll report to detention later Professor"

Severus stepped down from the table and a loud cheering came from the Gryffindors and James was punching the air in victory while his friends congratulate him, Peter from away simply looked. Regulus pats his friend back and the older Slytherin burrowed his face in his hands, he was so embarrassed. James was smiling at the Slytherin and the hall was filled with different emotions, some Slytherins' trying hard to prevent themselves from joining the celebratory giggles but others openly smiled at Severus. Lucius huffed and Narcissa smiled in her drink. Soon, the room was filled with chatter that was ended by the bell ringing. Sirius pushed his friend and Remus smiled at him while James prepared himself to walk Severus to his classroom. The Slytherin got his things and walked out of the hall like the rest of the students. The Gryffindor approached him with a bright smile and held his hand,

"I'll walk you to your ro-"

Severus flinched and retracted his hand quickly, he looked down.

"S-See you in detention"

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