"You have been thinking a lot today, what happened?" My manager asked me.

"Nothing, I didn't get a peaceful sleep last night and I am just trying to figure out why?" I replied back.

"Hmm...there could be a number of reasons. Like stress, hypertension or missing someone important. Anyway I have to go now, I have a meeting with someone related to your work. See ya." he said and left me with thousands of thoughts running inside my brain.

Missing someone important.

Could it be because of Ray??? No way in hell!!!

I really need a girl to bang hard, maybe two. Yeah, I will just have  a threesome today.

I dialed a number and asked the girl to meet me at a particular hotel but I also told her that I will be bringing another girl too. She agreed to it and said she would love to enjoy the company of girls too. Same goes with other girls and she agrees too.

I fucked both girls non stop for two to three hours that day and it was hell of amazing. 

I would never enjoy doing it with Ray. Wait... why am I thinking about him that way!!??Gross!! I need to punch him something I guess, but Keith will kill me for this. I will figure some other way out.

Ray's POV

Ray's POV

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I woke up very early in the morning since I have to go back and work. I cannot ignore Sky my whole life, I had to face him sooner or later.

Without waking Kevin and Keith I left the place and put a sticky note fridge saying that I will be going to Sky's place now.

Keith was very  broken last night but somehow Kevin was able to cheer him up. I am pretty sure my brother has a crush on Keith but he also doesn't know about his feelings yet. He is smart and I know he will realise it sooner.

I was standing outside Sky's house, I was looking for a key to open the door but I couldn't find it. I guess I forget about it at Kevin's. I was hesitating to ring the doorbell, since Sky must be asleep and might punch me again for waking him up so early.  

After collecting a lot of courage and standing outside for almost ten minutes, I finally rang the doorbell, only once. I didn't dare to ring it twice.

As soon as the door opened a sleepy Sky came in my visual. He looked at me, I thought he would  yell or do something to wake him up, but he didn't say anything and let me in.

After placing my bag in my room I went in the living room. Sky was still standing  with sleep in his eyes. I thought maybe he want something or scolded me, so I stood in front of him.

"Umm...do you need something?" I asked him.

He  looked at me for quite a while and came towards me. I thought he was going to hit me again but instead of hitting, he hugged me.

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