Chapter Four

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Jihae's P.O.V

Professor Kim asks for all students that are new to the course to stand up, and introduce themselves. The new students and I stand up and head to the front of the classroom.

Within 2 minutes, the students finished introducing themselves and I am the only one who hasn't done so. All eyes are on me and I sigh.

"Park Jihae" I mumble, embarassed. I was never the type of girl to talk in front of the class unless it was a presentation.

"What was that?" Professor Kim says.

"Her name's Jihae, now can we move on?" Kyungsoo says, rather rudely.

I role my eyes and take a seat behind him. Why is he so rude? We've spoken once, yet it seems like I'm some kind of childhood enemy to him.

Whilst in class, I meet a girl named Jade and she's very pretty. I'm envious of her.

We soon become friends and exchange mobile numbers to keep in touch with each other. Jade's been a student here at NYU for almost a year now. She told me about the popular group called Exo. They're a band that was formed by Professor Kim, consisting of Luhan, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Lay, Xiumin, Kris, Sehun, Suho, Kai and Tao. They compete in college competitions and perform at the college for entertainmen. Jade has a massive crush on Luhan but had never really spoken to him before.

"I've met Luhan and Baekhyun. They invited me to a frat party this Friday night, but I don't know if I want to go" I say to Jade.

"Can you please take me? Please, please, please?" Jade begs.

"Well, I mean we can but-" I'm cut off by Jade hugging me.

"Yay! We're going shopping on Thursday for clothes!" Jade exclaims.

Kyungsoo turns around and says "Can you two shut up?".

"Can you stop being so rude?" I remark.

"Just shut up" He says turning around.

What the hell's his problem? I'm already not liking it here because of him. Are most students here as rude as him?

When the class ends, the student's leave except for Kyungsoo. I contemplate on whether or not I should stay back and ask him why he isn't leaving, but I decide to just leave. He was being rude to me after all.

I get back to my dorm and lay down on my bed. Since I've just got here, the college has cut me some slack and only gave me 1 class for today. I decide to unpack the rest of my things and go back to staring at the ceiling.

After a few minutes have passed, I grab my personal book and a pencil and start writing some lyrics.

Through lyrics, I express myself and rid of my emotions I have bottled up inside.

I hum and come up with a melody, so I go from there.

It's been about 30 minutes since I first started writing. I glance at my alarm clock and it is only 2:00pm. Sighing I place my book onto my bedside table.

"Only a short nap" I whisper to myself.


My eyes feel heavy as I try to open them. My room is dark and I can't see anything, so I get up and turn the light on.

"8:00?!" I shout

I haven't had lunch or dinner so I decide to go to the closest cafe in the campus.

It is already 8:30 when I find a cafe so I order something small - a spinach roll and 2 pistachio macarons.

When I am finished eating, I grab my purse and start walking back to my dorm. I hear singing so I follow the voice. The voice belongs to a male. His voice is like chocolate. I wonder if he is part of Exo?

There's a tree in the middle of a park so I look behind it and find someone sitting on the ground with earphones in.

I listen for a little while before tapping him on the shoulder.

He looks at me in shock.

"How long have you been there?" he says

"Long enough to say that you have a beautiful voice" I reply

We can't see each other's faces so it's pretty hard to tell who this person is but his voice sounds so familiar.

"Well I'm leaving now so bye" the male says.

Without noticing, a book falls out of his bag as he jogs away. As soon as I pick up the little book, he is already gone.

I replay the lyrics and the way he sang the song in my head

~The small fluttering of your wings seemed like it was telling me to follow you

The sad eyes and tacit stories in your heart that night in which the whirlwind was raging

I was mesmerized by the mysterious you and stared at you and had my one soul stolen

Because I am completely drunk at your movements, I even forgot how to breathe

Like a waltz, I sit lightly and can't take my eyes off of you

My eyes naturally follow you every time you walk

Guide me yeah, take me together with you to the place where you live

Oh even if the world ends, I'll follow from behind you so please don't go out of my sight

Even when the morning comes, don't disappear oh

This walk that I'm dreaming

You're my one and only beautiful butterfly

Wherever you came from, or wherever you're going, up until now you always kindly greet me

A steep climb, the cliffs that cut off, don't worry because there's no place to be afraid of~

The lyrics were beautiful. His voice is perfect for the song as well.

As I am walking back to my dorm, all I can think about is him. Who is he?

When I get back to my dorm, I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling.

I sigh and feel my eyes getting heavier. I let my eyes close and feel myself drifting off to sleep. The last thing on my mind was his voice.

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