gingy and the chicken express

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alright y'all real shit.

If they had to make one change for the movie adaptation, I think they should've just let harry and hermione be together. because okayhearmeout- daniel radcliffe and emma watson's chemistry is ELECTRIC, and like daniel radcliffe and bonnie wright's? um well um-

"merry christmas bb u want this lil biscuit in ur mouth?"

"no not really"

"imma put it in ur mouth anyway" ;))))

Something is just off about them, and there's nothing natural about them with the exception of Chamber of Secrets surprisingly.

just go look it up on youtube, it's from half-blood prince. i swear the scene has aged like milk. Like this scene is gross powdery and the whitest thing i've ever seen. If that scene had to be converted into book form it'd be something like this:

Harry sat down in the heavily-decorated Burrow living room, carefully analyzing his scenario obsessively now that he was finally alone. What did Snape want from Draco? Why was Draco so horribly nervous when Snape pulled him aside? It seemed very strange, and it put Harry on edge. His thoughts were suddenly put on hold when none other than GiNgY Weasley walked in the room, however. With her gorgeous, fIeRy ReD hAiR flowing from side to side, she sat down next to harry TuMuLtUoUsLy with a plate of paste on her lap. She seemed tense, and definitely not like herself. Nearly stoic, with the occasional awkward movement. Harry found it odd, this Gingy was nothing like the sassy, confident Gingy he'd known for years. Was something wrong? Had he done something? Did she somehow find out? After a tense moment or so, she finally made eye contact and shakily lifted a piece of paste next to Harry's mouth.

"Open up", Gingy said, awkwardly. Harry opened wide in an equally awkwardly manner and bit down on the paste, attempting to keep a straight face and ignore the blatant change in Gingy's behavior, almost as if her dialogue was written by another person and took out literally every good part of her. Hmm. They simply stared at each other for a few moments longer than necessary. Harry wondered if now was the time, if Ginny giving him the paste and her awkward mannerisms was a sign; but, something felt off. There were no fireworks, just the loudest silence he'd ever experienced. The silence only grew the moment Ronald "weasley" mcdonald's walked in with a dreamy plate of chicken wings. He tactlessly sat in between him and Gingy, and Harry would usually want to slap him in the face and he was expecting Gingy to as well, but for the first time, he was rather relieved that Ronald "weasley" mcdonald's sat in between them.

"Chicken?" He asked, and Harry happily took a piece. He thought he caught a look of envy drifting behind Ron's eye the moment he picked up the wing, but he shoved the thought aside. Something was very wrong with Gingy, and he needed to know what. He returned to the kitchen to help clean up, and though he hated to admit it, he was glad to get away from Gingy for the first time in years.

-moony, astrid, padfoot, prongs-

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