Chapter 2 - Arrival

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Arriving at the rebel headquarters, I hop out of the carriage. I have no clue where I'm supposed to go, so I follow a group of men, hoping I'll find where I need to be.

Suddenly, someone rams into me, causing me to stumble and almost fall.

"Oh, sorry man," a voice drawls. 

I look up at the speaker. He has hazel eyes, curly dark hair, and more freckles than I can count.

"Oh, Alex! It's you! I didn't expect you to be back here so soon!"

I'm taken aback by the assault of words before realizing who this is. Alex has described his friends enough to me to where I feel like I know them myself. But now I'm supposed to be Alex.

"Why, if it isn't John Laurens, you ole devil you!" I say, pitching my voice lower to sound like my brother.

Laurens grins, punching me on the arm in what he must think is a light, playful punch. I, however, still feel enormous amounts of pain prickling down to my fingers.

"Come on, Washington is waiting for you in his office." He grabs my arm, dragging me along behind him.

We arrive at a small, haphazardly erected building, and John nods at me, urging me to enter.

Pushing the door open, I step inside.

"Good afternoon, sir."

"Good afternoon, Hamilton."

I just stand awkwardly, unsure of what I'm supposed to say.

Finally, I manage to choke out, "You needed me for something, sir?"

"Oh, yes. I just wanted to review the attack we planned before you left."

After reviewing these for several minutes, Washington looks at me curiously. "Are you alright, Alexander?"

"Y-yes. Yes, sir." I begin to sweat under his gaze. Please don't find me out, please.

"You don't seem quite yourself. Are you sure you're okay, son?"

I know Alex well enough to know he wouldn't tolerate being called "son."

"I'm notcha son," I mutter.

Washington seems suspicious still, but dismisses me. I quickly exit his office to find Laurens still standing outside, clearly waiting for me.

"Come on," he says. "We'll go to our barrack so you can set your things down." He looks me up and down thoughtfully. I pray he can't see my feminine curves under my uniform. 

"You've gotten really thin. Do you not eat much?"

"Not really," I answer truthfully. "Most of the time I'm too busy to remember to eat."

John nods thoughtfully, setting off toward our barrack without another word. I follow, picking up my pace in order to match his long strides.

Let's hope nothing else interesting happens tonight, I think.

Oh, boy, was I in for a rude awakening.

Word Count before A/N: 419


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the second chapter of Impostor! Let me know about any ideas, suggestions, or feedback you have!


Gabby <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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Impostor - John Laurens x Alex's twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now