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I hate my life...it's just been so hard.
Oh Why? Well..i'm 17 and i have a child which i gave birth to last year. Since i had my child everyone kept distance from me, they thought i was some slut who accidentally got pregnant. Don't get me wrong, i love my child but my teenage years did get ruined.

My son and i have been alone for the most of his life, my parents told me to move out and start over. They do help me from time to time, for example when i need a babysitter. I can't always bring my kid to school. I receive weird looks, especially last year. I couldn't hide it since my belly was getting bigger. My parents were happy when they found out but also disappointed because i have a kid so young.

"Yejun! Please watch out!" I yelled as he was walking towards the swings where the other kids were playing. I quickly stood up and ran towards him but before i got to him he got picked up by a guy. "Hey little guy! Watch out okay? You could have get hit, now...where's your mommy?" The guy said. Yejun clapped his hands while the guy was looking around.

I waved at the guy which made him notice me. He handed me Yejun over and bowed over to him. "Hey...you look familiar," he said. His eyes widened. "Your Park Yewon right?" I nodded and he smiled. "Your the girl who had a kid! He looks very cute," he said as he pinched Yejun's cheek.

"How do you know me?" I asked, he let go of Yejun's cheek and looked at me. "I go to the same school as you. You know...i was kind of worried when i saw you when you were pregnant," i sat down and he did too. "Why?" I asked as i grabbed Yejun's toys out of my bag.

He shrugged, "you seemed very stressed and worried, i totally get that since you were 16 and you didn't really know what to do as a mother," i nodded. Finally, someone who understands me.

He chuckled, "i'm Taehyung by the way...nice to actually meet you." He took his hand out waiting for me to shake it and i did. "You want to go grab a drink?" He asked, "uh yeah sure." We stood up and i picked up Yejun from the ground and Taehyung helped me with my other supplies.

"Are you fine carrying that bag?" I asked and he nodded. "I want to help you since, well no one really has done it for you," he was very sweet i admit. Although it's weird that i never seen or heard of him. He looks like a guy who really loves kids. I really hope we could become close.

We stopped at a random café we saw and entered it. Suddenly Yejun started crying and Taehyung quickly grabbed him and took care of him. I stared at him in amazement, it made me smile how well he takes care of Yejun. When Yejun stopped crying he told me to sit down and i did as he said even though i just met this man.

"So i have a question, you don't have to answer it if you want to but here it is, how did you get Yejun? Who's his dad?" He asked. I didn't really mind him asking that, i was actually happy that he asked it instead of jumping into conclusions like the others. "I was dating a different guy at the time whom i met at my part-time job. We eventually fell in love and we accidentally got Yejun. He said he wasn't ready to have a kid and the next day he just left me, no note or anything," i sighed in relief. "It doesn't matter though, Yejun and i are happy no matter what," i added.

Taehyung seemed fascinated by my story, he smiled at me and wondered. "What did your parents think of it?" I cleared my throat and continued, "my mother was happy but disappointed since i had a kid with my ex, my dad on the other hand didn't really like the idea of me having a kid and wanted me to get an abortion," Taehyung gasped, "but i didn't do it since it was my responsibility," he nodded.

"Why'd you name him Yejun?" He again asked, "Ye is from my name: Yewon and Jun is from my ex boyfriends name: Junho," his eyes widened. "You mean Junho as in Choi Junho?" I nodded. "Why?" He shook his head. "N-no nothing," he was hiding something. I didn't say anything since he might not want to hang out with me.

I miss Junho, but i do hate him for leaving me so suddenly. He has not texted me nor called. He did call me one time after i had Yejun but that was only to know if i had a boy or a girl. I sighed which caught Taehyung's attention. "Hey.. i know we just met but i think i should pay for you, i mean since you are already spending lots of money to take care of Yejun i thought to do something for you." Honestly, he's just too sweet.

"Really? I mean you don't have to but i would appreciate it," i smiled. "Do you want me to help you take care of Yejun? I'm free most of the time so anytime your busy i can replace for you," i nodded. "Sure!" We exchanged numbers and ended the day.

I laid in my bed thinking about him. He's a really sweet guy, how come i never met him before? I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. Hopefully we would see each other at school tomorrow.

Teen Mom // K.THWhere stories live. Discover now