Not Her Reflection

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What we expect to see in the mirror is our reflection. Every time we look in the mirror, we see a familiar face with familiar eyes staring back at us. When I look in the mirror, I see a girl with long dark brown hair and green eyes. 

My name is Ava. I go to the University of Houston in Texas. I am twenty years old. I was lying in bed, watching the new Stranger Things episode on Netflix. My phone dinged. I picked it up. It was from my boyfriend, who had just gotten off work. Wanna go to a restaurant tonight?

I texted back. Sure, what restaurant?

Idk. You choose.

Applebee's, I texted back. 8:00.

I threw my phone back on the bed and let out a squeal of excitement. I loved going places with my boyfriend. I loved him so much.

I sprang up from the bed and hurried to my closet. I already knew what dress to wear. It was a simple black dress with spaghetti straps. It wasn't too formal. It was perfect. 

I changed into my dress, put on my black heels, and hurried to the bathroom with excitement. I opened my bag of toiletries and reached for my makeup. I put on a few layers of peach eyeshadow. I rubbed a mascara wand on my lashes. My lashes turned luscious and midnight black. I looked in the mirror. I looked amazing. Stunning. I couldn't wait for my boyfriend to look at me with admiration and call me beautiful. I would let him know that I am his.

I sprayed some Victoria's Secret perfume on my chest and brushed my hair. I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair up in elegant space buns. 

I was ready. I grabbed my coat and started to head out of the door.

I had many mirrors in my house. Antique mirrors, small mirrors, big mirrors. I guess you could say I was a narcissist for my looks. I always get cat-called by men. I always get asked for my phone number and if I'm free on a certain day of the week. This makes me angry, but my boyfriend just says that it's because I am so gorgeous.

I open the door and get in my car. I start the engine, back out of my driveway, and adjust my mirror. 

I look in the mirror. My once mesmerizing green eyes had turned black. My dark brown hair was darker than usual, so dark to the point of it almost being black. My hair almost looked purple since it was so dark. I let out a scream and my mouth opened into an oval of blackness.

I opened the door to my car, heart pounding with fear. I slammed the car door and hurried inside my house frantically. I hurry to the bathroom and look in the mirror. Me. The reflection is me. My peach eyeshadow glimmered in the light. My eyes are bright green. It is me.

I sigh with relief. I was too scared to go to Applebee's with my boyfriend, so I texted him that I'm too tired and we'll go another time.

I don't know who was in my car mirror, but I do know that that wasn't my reflection...

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