Sweater Date ^-^

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Hey folks! Yes, by the title I am doing a capter where Kirito and Asuna do a sweater date. If you don't know what it is, let me explain briefly. You throw sweaters into the dryer to get them warm, you put them on, get snacks, and watch movies ^-^ anyway, enjoy new chappy!!!! <3

Asuna's P.O.V

I toss the sweaters into my dryer to get them warm, and I hear the microwave go off. I happily skip downstairs, pulling the popcorn out of the microwave. I had already prepared one bag of popcorn, which I made into Kazuto's favorite, caramelcorn. I open my bag of popcorn, pouring it into another bowl, in which I decide on my topping. I decide on parmesean cheese (A/N: the cheese you put on top of pasta and pizza, it's soo good on popcorn) and I bring the two bowls into the living room, where I have movies set up as well. Kazuto's bringing other snacks, candy and stuff. Kazuto asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and I told him a sweater date was fine by me. He's so sweet and caring, and I find myself smiling when I think about him. My watch beeps, telling me it's time for my medication. I need to take special meds for my night terrors. They relaxe me, and put up my body's defense system, preventing mental waves that trigger the nightmares. I pop the two pink pills in my mouth, followed by a large drink of water, wincing as they go down. I grab my phone, skipping back into the living room where my upright piano awaits. I decide to kill some time, so I walk over and sit down, scooting the chair up a bit. I position my fingers, begining to play on of my favorite songs. I sing along, louder than I usually do, for no one else is home but me. I never sang in SAO, maybe once or twice. Kazuto walked in on me singing once, I was so embarassed I couldn't look at him for a week! Yui loves to sing the songs I taught her, and she learned them very quickly. Most likely because she can save the lyrics in her memory, making it so much easier to learn then remembering on your own. I cut my song short to the sound of my doorbell. I stand up quickly, running to my door. I take a quick glance through the peephole, smiling brightly at the sght of my boyfriend. I open the door, the freezing winter air hitting my like a ton of bricks. He starts to talk, but I grab his sleeve and pull him out of the winter air into my warm house. "Dummy, the door was unlocked, you should have just come in." I tell him, and he shrugs and smiles. He removes his shoes and drops the bag full of snacks at the door, then he wraps his arms around me, and I inhale his scent. Butterflies are flocked in my stomach the longer I stay in his embrace. "Happy birthday, Asuna." He says, releasing me from his grip. I smile and tuck a few strands of hair around my ear. He hands me the bag of snacks and I look inside to see all the candy. "You didn't have to do all this for me!" I exclaim happily. He places his lips on my forehead for a split second, making my cheeks burn slightly. "I heard you playing before I came in, you should persue this." He tells me seriously. I shake my head, tucking a piece of chestnut hair around my ear.


Kirito's P.O.V

One hour later, me and Asuna are huddled on the couch, watching the new season of No Game No Life. Asuna can't stop giggling at the brother, who is a complete pervert. "That's so weird!" She exclaims at the sight of her TV. I nod and agree, smiling at her demeanor. I have my back faced the arm of the couch, leaning on it for support while Asuna seems to be comfortable huddled in my lap. Her head is on my shoulder, and I have my cheek placed against it. The episode ends, and Asuna whacks me with a DVD case (A/N: I didn't know what would replace DVD in the year 2025, so I just kept it DVD.) Showing me the cover. I groaned and she puffed her cheeks out in aggravation. "It's Bee and Puppycat! Who doesn't love this show?!" She grumbles. I raise my hand, only to be whacked again. "Alright! I give up, just don't make me watch the whole season. The show is kinda pointless." I say, tapping my chin. She fakes a dramatic gasp, hoping up from my lap to put the DVD in. "That's the point of the show. It's all over the place, and that's why I love it." She whispers to herself, stroking the case as if it has feelings. "You're ridiculous." I call to her from across the living room. Asuna looks to her left. "Did you hear something?" She asks, then she whips her head to the right. "Nope, not a thing." She finishes. She laughs then crawls back in my lap, tapping my cheek lovingly. "You know you love me." She says, and I nod placing a kiss on her hair.


"Thank God that's done." I tell myself. I look down, to see Asuna has fallen asleep on my lap. I move her slightly, and completely pick her up bridal style. I stand up, with her in my grasp as I trudge up the stairs to her room. I push her covers back with my elbow, then lay her down. Asuna squeezes her eyes shut tightly, then brings them back to a normal state. I smile at her, then kiss her forehead softly. "Goodnight Asuna." I whisper to her, straightening up to leave. I feel a tug on my sleeve, and look down back at her. "Don't leave." She mumbles, though her eyes are wide. I smile, then crawl into her bed. She immediately put her head on my shoulder, and I see her breathing even out. I feel drowsy myself, and my eyes close droopily. "Goodnight...Kirito..." She whispers, in which I hug her tightly. I feel myself plunge into unconsiousness, and I take the sleep gratefully.


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