"My names Kayla by the way." She said, and I nodded, "Arie." I said back, and she laughed,

"I already know that silly." I laughed too. Noah sat next to me. Teddy and James joined the circle. The other guy people flashed me a smile. He had short dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. He gave everyone a questionable look,

"Well, who's going to get the OJ?" He asked, and James rolled his eyes,

"Why don't you go get it? Lazy ass. Every-time we do something together, you always find a way to get out of work. Why don't you go get the OJ, Carter?" He said and Carter frowned,

"I so do help out! Like remember that time that....." He trailed off and James nodded,

"Come on. Tell me when you ever got off your lazy butt?" He asked cocky, and Carter frowned. After coming up with nothing, he sighed and stood up walking towards where Im guessing is the kitchen. Noah and James laughed, and I sat back watching these guys. This is definitely not mean girls.

"Sorry about that beautiful, but since you're going to be hanging around us you have a right to know how lazy Carter is." James said, and I raised an eyebrow,

"Im going to be hanging around you guys?" I asked, and Teddy looked sad.

"You don't want to?" She asked, with sad puppy eyes. And, I quickly shook my head,

"No. Im just shocked that you guys would want me as a friend." I said quickly, and James raised an eyebrow,

"Why wouldn't we? I wouldn't mind having you as a friend...you're hot." He said, and Teddy smacked him. I laughed along with everyone in the circle. Carter came back with six red plastic cups in one hand, and a jug of orange juice in the other. I jumped up and grabbed the OJ,

"Need a hand?" I asked, and he nodded. He gave each person a cup, and I poured the OJ in each one. After pouring the OJ in the cups, I sat back down with my own cup of OJ.

Kayla smirked, "Lets begin! Arie, we'll start off with you." Everyones eyes were on me, and I felt very awkward. But, instead of running away and hiding in a closet like I really wanted to, I thought of a Never Have I Ever.

"Ummm....Never have I ever made out with my boyfriends best friend?" It came out as a question. Kayla groaned and took a sip of her OJ. I raised an eyebrow and she shrugged,

"Never have I ever..." She trailed off, looking at the orange painted ceiling then she suddenly smirked, "Played a game of Hide and Seek." James scoffed and rolled his eyes,

"Thats it?" He asked, and she continued to smirk, "Naked." She added and James eyes widened as his face turned pale. He started to blush like crazy when his color returned. He raised the cup up to his lips, taking a gulp. Followed by Noah, and I gasped,

"Noah?!" I asked, and he laughed awkwardly scratching the back of his neck,

"It was back in Junior year. And, the girl I was dating at that time....suggested that we should play it naked." James chuckled,

"Good times man. Good times." Noah rolled his eyes and then smiled at me. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"Never Have I Ever had sex without a condom." James piped in, and everyone groaned taking a sip out of their cups. Well except me, Noah, James and Tedd. No, of course I wouldn't Im happily a virgin.

Carter frowned, "This game is getting too freaky, and my OJ's going cold. Let's play Truth or Dare." He said, and Teddy frowned,

"What? I like playing Never Have I Ever." She said, and Carter shrugged.

My Very Own Stalker {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now