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"Did you play with Yuna's feelings? She seemed to have some weird mood swings." Soobin finally asked.

Kai shook his head and raised his hands.

"I never did, but I did monitor them, especially after her incident." He answered.

One of the males suddenly got pale.

"Beomgyu is everything alright?" Yeonjun asked.

The oldest was worried that his younger brothers would take everything well. They still were young when they joined the game they can't escape now.

"Yes, I think we should look for the location of Yuna. We aren't allowed to search through her emotions, I mean she trusts us." He stuttered.

Soobin quickly agreed with him and slightly pushed Kai towards his room. They walked to the office of Kai and waited for him to find out something.

"She's moving right now...wait she's heading to the Kim's house?" His eyes widened.

"Her pulse is rising, maybe they're discussing something?" Taehyun noticed.

The boys followed the red dot on the card and waited for some movements. They always were monitoring her health condition and they saw how her adrenaline suddenly started to raise.

"Kai why is her adrenaline rising so fast? Did she get hurt?" Soobin asked.

The tall male was afraid that something might have happen to his girl, but little did he know that the black haired male next to him thought the same.

"I don't know I need some more parameters." Kai fastly typed something on his keyboard.

"She must be hurt. Her white blood cells are increasing and the thrombocytes also. But I can't locate exactly where the injury is, but she's loosing blood." He panicked.

Soobin was about to storm out of the room but he again got stopped.

"Wait a minute please. I'm not quite sure if my chip is working properly." Kai said.

The screen suddenly got black and Kai tried hastily to save all of the data he collected with the chip by now.

"YOU WON'T GET HER BACK. SHE IS A KIM." Stood on the screens.

Kai cursed like crazy but he fastly smiled again. It was wicked and somehow creepy to see him laugh like this.

"This idiot just gave me a full entrance to his system."

The boys watched him typing some stuff until all of the screens lit up again, like they used to do. Now they could even see a boy in a similar room.

"Is that their hacker? YangYang, the German boy?" Yeonjun asked.

Soobin only nodded and waited for their next step. Kai was frantically typing without a break. He was concentrated on his task that he forgot the boys were here.

"Yah Kai, look at Yuna's blood diagnostics. She has morphine into her body now and it seems like she fainted?" Beomgyu yelled.

Now nobody could stop Soobin from storming out of the room. He directly headed to the gun rum, where all of his babies where.

Pulling on a bulletproof vest he hurriedly grabbed his favourite guns. Grabbing the P7 he had a small flashback but he snapped out of it.

"Soobin you really need to think of it, we can't storm into there like we're god." Taehyun said.

"All of you are getting arms, also you Kai. You will navigate us through the mansion." Soobin said with the coldest voice.

His members sighed, but they obeyed him. They knew it wouldn't have a sense to discuss now. Within ten minutes all of them were ready.

Changing their outfits all of them would be nearly invisible sneaking around the dark house.

"Beomgyu do you have your Norwegian knife? I have the feeling we need this today." Soobin asked.

Beomgyu just nodded and remembered the last time he used his knife.

Taehyun was nervous since he wasn't used to save people, but he hadn't a chance. He would work hard to make the world fairer.

Yeonjun just put his P9 between his belt and trousers and sighed since he hoped he would never use this gun again, but he knew today would be the day.

"We will wait for Kai to give us a detailed plan of the house. We will go in two teams. Yeonjun and Taehyun to the west side while Beomgyu and I will go to the east side. We will try to cycle them in." The leader explained his plan.

"Kai do you still have her signal?" Taehyun asked.

The youngest slowly nodded but he concentrated more on his screen than listening to the plan.

"Just kill everybody that will come into your way. Even if that means to kill her brothers or bodyguards."

We're nearing somewhere haha- you won't know until i tell you😂

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