Deception & Destruction

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Unknown POV:
The new Twisted Metal contest begun. Mr. Vil announced; "Welcome to Watkyn's Harbor. Known to be Juggernaut's first debut location. But in spirit of its creation, I devised an event to celebrate it. Each team gets a Juggernaut roaming the streets used to repair or switch out their vehicle. However, they are all the same, so figuring out which is yours is tricky. Enter the wrong one and the opposing teams repair crew can destroy or damage your car. Whichever team still has its Juggernaut and is still alive wins, good luck to you all." The battle was intense, a few drivers were attacking Juggernauts while damaged drivers drove into their enemies Juggernaut. It was an intense game overall until a few Calypso loyalists passed the event to the next round. A floodgate opened letting a rush of water flood the river channel only limiting the drivers to the road. The area was compressed with less room to drive and avoid enemy Juggernauts until the time ran out. The exits opened letting the drivers leave before tv clicked off in Mr. Vil's office, he threw the remote at the wall before shouting; "Damn those loyalists! How hard is it to take a hint that Calypso isn't coming back to the company?!" The elevator opened revealing Dollface and Needles before they stepped forward towards Mr. Vil's desk.

Needles slammed his machete on the desk before he roared; "She is in the game! The one that got away is in the game!" Mr

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Needles slammed his machete on the desk before he roared; "She is in the game! The one that got away is in the game!" Mr. Vil said in his usual calm tone; "It makes no difference if she is or isn't in the game. Her chains to Calypso are broken, she only wants vengeance for what you've done to her Father and family. Let alone herself. You get your deserved reward when the contest is over with and the loyalist are killed." Needles pulls his machete out of the desk and leaves via elevator as Dollface stays behind while saying; "Our deal better still stand." Mr. Vil responds; "It does my dear...and to ensure you win next time." Mr. Vil tosses her a set of keys before continuing; "A specialized Juggernaut is all yours when I open the gate for the boss battle." Dollface turns to leave before Mr. Vil asked; "You really don't recognize me don't you?" Dollface turned back around to look at him again before asking; "Should I?" Mr. Vil said with a shook of his head; "My dear. When this is all over I'll tell you and see the surprised look on your iconic face." Dollface left the office before the intercom buzzed before Mr. Vil answered; "Yes?"

The female voice on the other end spoke; "Sorry to interrupt anything, but there is a Mr. Vil here to see you Mr. Vil." Mr. Vil responds, "Send him up. Hold all calls and appointments." The elevator climbed before the doors opened revealing an old man in a black suit with red pinstripes. He walked into the office with the assist of his cane before speaking; "Doing well for yourself, Evan. Surprised to see you above ground as well. That car crash was labeled a lucky one to walk away from." Mr. Vil said as he sat behind his desk; "Since you're here, Father. I believe you are here to take me back home?" The old man laughed before saying; "Of course not! You've kept your part of the deal. Paying off your debt with the souls of those killed during the contest. I can't give up that steady stream of souls." Mr. Vil asked the old man; "Then, what are you doing so far from Hell?" The old man's smile faded to a grimacing look before saying; "Calypso. He has not arrived at Hell. We agreed to..." Mr. Vil interrupted; "Our agreement still stands! Calypso will die! He has no power, no immorality! No company and no contest! He will die of old age so you have to wait a bit longer before the deed is done."

The old man's mood turned back to happiness before saying; "You've learned well, son. I must say I was a fool to underestimate you. Even though your Mother kept you from me to be mortal, only to come back to my open arms to toy with the mortal souls of this world." Mr. Vil gave a short chuckle before asking; "Then by all means...stay and watch the show. My associates will take care of you as an executive guest." Mr. Vil called his assistant to his office before saying to her; "Please take care of my Father. He is our special guest." His assistant nods before saying; "Right this way, Mr. Vil." The old man said amused; "Please my dear; call me Devon...or Dev for short." Once the two were gone, Mr. E.Vil mumbles; "Arrogant fool. Just you wait until I become powerful. We'll see who holds the title; Devil." The contest continued on the screen which was wrapping up. Drivers were driving up an obstacle course with traps being activated by employees of Mr. Vil. Some made it through while others fell into a darkness.

The match with Dollface driving a Juggernaut came to a start with Mr. Vil announcing; "Round two for Juggernaut Junction. Teams with their Juggernauts still alive as well as their team's driver passes on to the end of the contest. However, there's a slight twist to this one." Dollface crashes past two Juggernauts as her truck horn blares; Mr. Vil continues; "Dollface is back for more! Manage to stop her Juggernaut you can leave with or without your Juggernaut intact. If she succeeds in destroying your teams Juggernaut, well...let's just say the bombs from the death race are still active. Good luck." Mr. Vil spoke on the cv radio to Dollface's truck; "Ms. Sparks. Your only goal is to destroy the Calypso Loyalists Juggernaut. Once they are dead, leave the battleground. That is all." Dollface saw the Calypso Loyalist Juggernaut drive close behind so she could activate the rear firing swarm missiles. The front grill was bombarded before the cab exploded causing the trailer to flip forward. The Calypso Loyalist's car exploded from the bombs red light blinking fast causing the opponent counter to drop.

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