"I wasn't paying attention then." She shook her head with a stern look. "Let's carry on." She looked at Chichi. "Truth or dare."

"Truth." Chichi smiled as Goku whined in the background. He was eager to see her go through an embarrassing dare.

"Alright, would you take any of your ex's back?" Bulma asked giving a stern look at Vegeta, like fuck would she take him back. She didn't not expect a Chichi to admit that she'd take a Goku back, which everyone stayed silence looking back at Vegeta who rose from his seat.

"Well that's a shame, you won't have him back." Vegeta crossed his arms at her.

"Says you! Once Goku has gotten over the sex I guarantee he'll see you for what you are!" She stood up leaning towards him.

"Yes, he already does that. For I am better than you!" Vegeta snapped back as he hiccuped, fucking not now! Dammit!

Goku tried to pull Vegeta back, Vegeta just nudged him off. He's got this, he doesn't need his boyfriend to pull him back.

"Vegeta, you are a waste of space and I never understood why Bulma dated you. You only care about yourself!" Chichi spat ignoring Bulma stood slack jawed at her remark.

"You never said this when I dated him!" Bulma folded her arms.

Vegeta stuck his middle finger up at Chichi as he tried to fight back his hiccups, not good when he's trying to be serious. Goku sighed trying to pull Vegeta back as he could see Vegeta was tipsy and wasn't even able to stand still.

Goku watched as Chichi continued to throw insults towards Vegeta, Vegeta was about to lunge towards her till he pulled him back. "Let's continue the game yeah?" Goku smiled nervously at Bulma.

Bulma nodded and clapped her hands to grab everyone's attention on her. "Right, Vegeta. Truth or Dare."

Vegeta glared at Chichi before looking back at Bulma. "Humour me-dare." Vegeta folded his arms with a grin.

"Take Goku's boxers off." She grinned mischievously at the horror of Goku's face.

Goku gulped as Vegeta shrugged at her then faced him. "Um Vegeta, you don't have to do that." He smiled nervously.

Vegeta grinned "oh but I have to." He pushed Goku back planting kisses down Goku's body as he pulled Goku's boxers off. He grinned as people gasped by looking at the length and girth. Goku's eyes widened seeing everyone staring at his cock then giving Vegeta the Sorry eyes.Goku covered his face, too embarrassed to even look around the room. Vegeta sat on his lap glaring at everyone else. "Yeah, and it's mine so fuck off." Damn that alcohol really does make him a slut.

Bulma shook her head at him giggling. "Such a child on times. Alright he can now put all his clothes back on, we've all seen enough." She winked as everyone weren't sure where to look now. The night went on, Goku was sat fully clothed again avoiding people's eye contact. He did laugh when Vegeta was made to eat a spoonful of hot sauce, thankfully people started getting distracted as Bulma was dared to take her bra off. Ah, his cock was left alone thanks to a pair of tits. As the night drew in Goku went to get a drink of water, he came back to see Bulma practically on Vegeta's lap giving him a kiss. He cleared his throat that startled everyone.

Vegeta looked over seeing the doleful expression on Goku's face, he looked back at Bulma and pushed her off. "Kakarot-"

"No, fuck you!" Goku snarled as tears formed in his eyes, he stormed out slamming the door.

Bulma looked back at Chichi who grinned. "You planned this didn't you?" She raised a brow at her friend before sighing. She rested her hand on Vegeta. "You best go talk to him he seems upset."

"Well no shit, thanks for your observation there!" Vegeta shook his head at her, before running out the room to find Goku. It didn't take him long as he could hear Goku sobbing in the bathroom. Vegeta knocked on the bathroom door. "It's me."

"Just fuck off." Goku cried from the other side of the door.

"I think we've all had a bit much too drink." Vegeta confessed, damn right he had a bit much. He's going to regret half the shit they done tonight. Then again, it can't be as embarrassing as losing a dildo up your arse, or having your boyfriends finger glued up there. He listened through the other side as Goku blew his nose and sobbed some more. "Fuck, you really are crying." He heard the door unlock allowing him to walk in. Goku glared at him his cheeks red raw from the tears. "It was a dare."

"And that makes it alright?!" Goku snapped as he wiped the tears that were starting to form again.

"Do you think I'd go back to that?" Vegeta raised his brow.

"Then why you always worried I'd go back to Chichi when I don't care about her, I only care about you!" Goku sat on the floor hugging his knees. His sighed as Vegeta sat next to him.

"Because I love you, and I don't like the thought of losing you..." vegeta started to feel sick from such confession. What are these feelings?

Goku wiped his face and looked at the serious expression on Vegeta's face. He smiled. "We are both really drunk right now."

"Yeah...maybe a little." Vegeta shrugged.

Goku sighed rolling his eyes before looking back at Vegeta. "I love you too.." he lightly nudged Vegeta as he blushed.

Vegeta grinned. "Come here you idiot." He pulled Goku into a loving embrace ignoring Chichi stood by the door glaring at them. Fuck you bitch, fuck you.

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