📍;; 002

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by: @hapigurl_


Beomgyu's P.O.V

I was smiling and jumping while walking. Just imagine it! HAHAHA! I'm just happy because I saw how teased Ryujin is. Let me tease her more!

"Yah, why are you following me?!"she stopped and turned to me to asked me that. I frowned,

"Eh?"i asked.

"Eh?"look who's copying me when I say, ‘eh?’

"It's pretty obvious that you are following me. Stop it, okay?"she irritatedly said as she continued to walk again. I just walked too but she suddenly stopped again so I became more confused..

"Why are you stopping?"i asked.

"You're following me, you idiot!"she squealed.

"Am not! Go away!"i said as I lightly pushed her aside. She was shocked because of that, I saw her mouth gaped.

"You're blocking my way."i continued as I walked again.

While I am walking, I was smiling.

She's teased because of me! HAHAHHAHA! I love teasing people especially when they are mysterious weirdo

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She's teased because of me! HAHAHHAHA! I love teasing people especially when they are mysterious weirdo. I can't help but to smile so widely, she's really cute.

I looked at the bulletin board and it's not that hard to find my name because there's a lot of Choi in our section so I go inside and sat on the back.

While waiting, I was wondering where's Ryujin. I'm in a Class A room so maybe she is in Class B? Am I right?

My mouth was half opened when I saw Ryujin at front who is currently finding a chair. Exactly! There's a chair beside me so this is gonna be so exciting!

"Ryujin!"i playfully shouted as I waved my hands. She looked at me but after she saw me, she rolled her eyes as she walked towards me. She sat on the chair besides me so my smile became more wide.

"I'm just sitting here because I don't have a choice."i said.

"I'm not asking though."i said while smiling with matching shooking my head.

"I just shared, okay?"she said as she rolled her eyes again.

"Do you have a problem in your eyes?"i asked but she didn't bother to look at me. Aish, she's so cold.

"You kept on rolling your eyes. Are you not scared that you eyeballs might drop because you keep on rolling it?"i said. She glared at me so I smiled at her. She's funny,

"You don't know how to shut up, huh?"she bluntly asked. I just shrugged and smiled at her.

"Stop being closer to me."she said as she looked away. I frowned,

RYUJIN IS CLOSE TO A MONSTER. (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now