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- Kisses during training.

- Lots of training together which usually ends with make-out sessions or sex.

- Shadowhunting together.

- Being an honorary Lightwood.

- Lots of cuddles.

- Watching him training cause damn he looks good.

- You loving mundane things and introducing him to the mundane world.

- Lots of PDA.

- Alec and Izzy are your actual best friends.

- Complaining about Jace to Izzy.

- Flirting with Alec and him playing along because it annoys the shit out of Jace.

- Lots of sex.

- Long, passionate kisses.

- Kisses on the forehead.

- Bear hugs.

- You distracting him during training then kicking his ass.

- You play with each other's hair.

- Worrying about each other on missions.

- Lots of 'I love you's.

- Helping him through his family stuff and demon/angel blood stuff.

- Disobeying rules to save his dumbass self.

- Him doing anything for you.

- LOVE <3

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