'Well, I have prior engagement. I'm sure someone else will be glad to show you around.'

The laughter had risen to my throat.

'But I want you to.'

Keji replied in an extremely feminine way. Michelle stood up from her seat, walked up to Uthman, linked arms with him, flashed a smile at Keji.'

'Let's go and eat before the lunch break is over.'

She said to him, all the way looking at Keji. These girls are official enemies because of Uthman. The laughter was now at the tip of my tongue. Before Uthman could answer, Keji asked

'Can I join you guys?'

Wow. This one is definitely determined to man.


That came out faster than usual. I turned to look at Michelle and Uthman, who looked rather bored to death and slightly amused by the whole scenario and Daniel, who looked like he just walked into Hollywood.

I laughed then, drawing all attention to me. I simply couldn't hold back any longer. I laughter for a little longer before I stood up, clapping.

'Well, that was a mind blowing performance. You guys should definitely try acting. Your duo is so perfect. And Michelle, you wanted to become an actress, right? I hope that doesn't change. Who knows? You might be the next Genevieve.'

'Fuck off Jade.'

'Manners, Mister Gbadamosi. You are not setting good examples as the supposed star of Lakeview.'

I smiled and walked out of the classroom. Hana hot on my trail.


I stopped and waited for her to catch up with me.

'Jade, you're......'

'I'm crazy, I know'

'Yeah, really crazy but I can't imagine you in any other way. I love you like l this'.

She shrieked and I laughed

'But this new girl is crazy sha, staking a claim on a guy first day in school. She doesn't even care what history he has in the school. She just....'

Hana stopped and shook her head. I shrugged and laughed.

'I don't even know if girls my age are supposed to be acting that way. She's very much like Michelle, they'd make a good combo but now, they're enemies because of our star boy. How hilarious!!'

'Hilarious indeed. That's their problem. I don't even care.'

Hana said and I laughed.

I have a feeling this year was going to be the most fun year at Lakeview Academy. I couldn't wait. But little did I know.......



After the whole drama, we all went to the cafeteria, leaving the crazy new girl behind. She is definitely crazy with a crazy stature. Now we were sitting in the cafeteria and Michelle was picking at her food slowly.

'Are you alright?'

She glanced sharply at me

'Am I supposed to be alright after what happened?'

Wow. That was a first. The first time Michelle would snap at me. I decided I liked this Michelle better than the Michelle who always agreed to whatever I say until she said;

Behind The Gate of Lakeview Where stories live. Discover now