Chapter 1 - Going In His Place

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"Alexander," Eliza calls. "Bring me the big wooden spoon, dear."

I watch as my twin bother brings his wife the spoon, lacing his fingers around her protruding belly.

"What are you making?" I ask curiously.

"Pie filling," Eliza responds. "I've been having a craving for the last week or so because of this little one." She pats a hand on Alex's linked fingers covering the baby's hidden figure.

I smile at my brother and his wife. They look so happy together. Their love is what I hoped to find when I decide to look for it.

A carriage pulls up at the road in front of the house.

"Aurora, would you go see if there's any mail for us?" Alex asks, burying his face in Eliza's neck.

I pull my bonnet over my strawberry-blonde hair, the same color as Alex's, and step out the door. Meeting the mail carrier at the road, I gather the letters.

One from Angelica, one from Philip Schuyler, and...

My heart stops when I see the name George Washington on the envelope.

Surely... it can't be... can it?

I open the letter to confirm my fear. General Washington is telling Alex to return and fight in the war. As much as I support the revolutionary efforts, I can't let my brother die, not now that he has a son on the way. But, if I ignore the letter, someone will be sent to fetch him in person.

This leaves me with only one option. I have to go in his place.

I take a deep breath before plastering a smile on my face and walking through the door. I set the other letters on the table and go upstairs. Quietly, I go to Alex's study, gathering his messenger bag and filling it with his uniforms, some parchment, a spare quill, and an inkwell. I quickly draft a note to Alex, explaining what has happened and telling him not to follow me. I know him well enough to know that he won't risk exposing me by showing up.

I grab a knife he has on a dresser and gather my long, strawberry-blonde hair in my hand, shearing it off so it is now the same length as Alex's.

I go to Eliza's study now, going to her box of medical supplies.  I find a long, sturdy bandage and a couple of pins. Stripping off my dress, I bind my chest and secure it with the pins. I slip on a pair of boxers from Alex's dresser and then don a uniform. Lacing up my newly acquired boots, I slip the knife down the side.

Throwing the bag over my shoulder, I head to the tub of water used for washing. I scrub any traces of makeup from my face and set off out the back door.

Sprinting down the street, I find an open carriage and direct the man to the address Washington gave in his letter.

Well, there's no going back now, I think as the horses begin to clop off down the street.

Word Count before A/N: 505


Hey guys, it's Gabby! This is my second story I've published. Go check out my other one, it's a Janthony story called "I'll Always Choose You."

Anyways, let me know what you think, I could always use some advice for future chapters or constructive criticism, or just plain compliments, because I can never get enough of those. Anyways, I'll be back soon with the next chapter! Love ya!

Impostor - John Laurens x Alex's twin sisterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ