Start from the beginning

"Hey, I'm only two years younger than you, you know. I'm not a kid anymore." 

Taehyung's gaze slipped languidly down her body, taking in the soft curves of her breasts and hips. 

"Hm, guess you're right." he murmured, eyes meeting hers, an idea beginning to spark and take shape. "Definitely not a kid anymore." 

No, the game wasn't over. It had just been 0 - 15 in Jeon Jungkook's favor. And, judging by how Lisa's face reddened over that one small comment, it was now 15 all.

15 - 15  ]

"It's been a while since we've been able to sit together like this." 

Lisa's voice. She and Jeon were sitting nearby, having walked into the hotel restaurant about ten minutes after he'd settled down to eat, and although he was itching to leap up and slam Jeon's smug face through a table, Lisa's pleased blush at the sight of him was enough evidence that if he just waited a little longer, payback would be that much sweeter. 

"Yeah." Jeon replied. "Well, we've both been busy." 

"Yeah, well, I don't have that worry anymore." she answered, sounding annoyed. "In case you forgot, I lost today." 


"Sorry, Lisa." 

"No, don't worry about it. . . it's just frustrating. I keep dwelling on the stupid mistakes I made, you know? Like if I'd just done this instead of that, I could've been celebrating a win right now." 

"Yeah, you're bound to do that. At least you can learn from them, right?" 

"I guess." There was a long pause, the clinking of cutlery and buzz of conversation a constant in the background. 

"I'm glad you're here, Kook." 

"You are?" The hope in Jeon's voice was unmistakable.

"Mhm. I dunno whether it's the same for you, but I think it's comforting to have a friend in a place like this, where everyone's super competitive. Plus, even though I lost, I can still cheer you on, right?" 

"I guess so. . ." 

If Lisa picked up on his disappointment, she made no mention of it. 

"So..." he started after a short silence. "What did you and Taehyung talk about after the match?" 

"Wh-what? Oh. . . nothing, really." 

She sounded like she was smiling.

[ 30 - 15  ]

The glow of the solar lamps dotting the pathway outside was gently fading as Taehyung sat next to the window, pondering the best way to score his next point. Getting her alone would be a good place to start, he thought with irritation, eyes resting on Lisa as she slotted coins into the jukebox and started to scroll through the listings. 

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