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It was a sunny day in the kingdom of Avalor. The birds were singing, the people were working and the Jaquins were flying up in the air. All was peaceful in this wondrous, special day.

Why is it so special for everyone, you may ask? Well, it is the day their hero/crowned princess was born; her birthday. What makes this even more special was that it was her 18TH birthday, which means she was going to be queen that day too!

"I'M SO EXCITED!" the crowned princess, Elena Castillo-Flores, jumped out of her bed in excitement. "I can't believe today's the day! I'm FINALLY going to be queen!"

"Elena!" The bedroom door opened and in ran Elena's little sister, Princess Isabel Castillo-Flores, with a wide smile on her face as she held a gift in her hands. "Happy birthday!"

"Aw, you shouldn't have, Isa," Elena hugged her little sister and lifted het up, spinning her around.

"Of course I should, Elena!" Isabel giggled as she was lowered back down on the floor. "You're going to be queen! For real, this time! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks, Isa," Elena gently took the gift and opened it, revealing a small, thin cylinder with a flat stamp sticking out at one of it's ends. "Oh, um, what is it, exactly? A stamp?"

"Not just any stamp but it's a stamp that never runs out of ink!" Isabel proudly spoke.

"Really? How?"

"The stamp is already made out of ink!"

Elena gasped. "That's amazing!"

"I know, right? I just had to shape it to the same shape as the symbol of Avalor,"

"Aw, how helpful!" Elena embraces the child into another hug. "Thanks, Isa. I'll make sure that I'll use it in my reign as queen,"

"Princess Elena, you're awake!" the Chief of the Castle, Armando, ran inside the room, a long to-do list in his hands. "It's time for the last Gramd Council Meeting!"

"Oh right!" Elena grinned and let go off her sister. "I'll be right there!"

"See you at the ball, Elena!" Isabel waved her big sister goodbye as she left with Armando.

In a few minutes, Elena had entered the Meeting Room. The moment she opened the door, the rest of the Grand Council had surprised her with a Farewell Party.

"Oh!" Elena jumped and giggled before hugging her grandparents and her cousin. "What a welcome! Thanks, you guys!"

"Don't worry, mi nieta," Louisa Flores, Elena and Isabel's grandmother, hugged her eldest granddaughter dearly. "I'm just so happy that you're finally going to be queen!"

"I think you are finally ready to be queen," Francisco Flores, Elena and Isabel's grandfather, stated. "There may have been a few bumps here and there because of Shuriki but now, I think you have enough experiences to get you to the throne. You reminded me of your mother when she was became queen,"

"Oh, was mamá's coronation amazing, abuelo?" Elena asked.

"It was amazing and she was a beauty!" Francisco smiled as he traveled down memory lane.

"I remember that day as if it were yesterday," Louisa sighed at the memory. "Oh, but I know you'll do great at your coronation, mi nieta,"

"Of course she will," Chancellor Esteban, Elena's cousin, stepped in confidentially. "Especially since I will personally be the one to arrange the coronation ball!"

"I'm not so sure that's really necessary, primo," Elena gently opposed. "I can handle the planning all by myself,"

"Yeah, Esteban," Naomi Turner, Elena's best friend, agreed. "It's her party. She gets to plan it all she wants,"

"True, but I'm sure Elena will be busy with something else," Esteban replies.

"Something else?" Elena tilted his head, confused. "What else would I think about other than my coronation?"

"Choosing your future cónyuge, of course,"

"My what?!" Elena was taken back with eyes.

"Ah, yes," Louisa nodded. "We forgot to tell you, Elena. In every coronation of a queen, the new ruler should always choose a person to be his/her future spouse. It's tradition,"

"Wait, wait, so I REALLY can't rule by myself?" Elena questioned.

"I'm sorry, Elena, but it is tradition for you to choose," Francisco insisted.

"Well, Elena has met a lot boys in our adventures," Naomi smirked with her arms crossed. "Picked anyone in particular?"

"Uh..." Elena felt her face burn as she bit her bottom lip. "...n-not really..."

"How about a tournament?" Esteban suggested. "A tournament for your hand? All the males in the kingdom, and maybe some princes from other kingdoms, can participate!"

"You want me to hold a competition for strangers to fight for my hand in marriage?" Elena raised an eyebrow.

"Not marriage yet, Elena," Louisa corrected gently. "Just dating. It is still up to you if you want the winner to be your spouse,"

"Oh good," Elena sighed in relief.

"Yes, well, now that the condition is settled," Esteban snapped his fingers, calling the Chief of the Castle to his side. "Armando, spread the word of the tournament for Elena's hand!"

"Right away, Chancellor!" Armando wrote the command and left without another word.

"Great..." Elena groaned.

"How about something to make you feel better, Elena?" Naomi suggested, wrapping an arm around her best friend's arm. "Join you in a royal gown fitting for the coronation, perhaps?"

Elena felt her cheeks warm up but smiled naturally. "I think that would be wonderful, Naomi! Thank you!"

"Anything for you, Elena," Naomi smiled, her cheeks reddening up too. "Especially since it's your birthday, you should have a more relaxing day, instead of listening to grumpy old Esteban over there,"

"Hey!" Esteban growled. "I heard that!"

"Whatever," Naomi rolled her eyes before the two headed out of the Meeting Room.

"Do you really think we'll be able to get a boyfriend for Elena with a tournament?" Francisco asked.

"It's the only way!" Esteban answered. "We all know that Elena has met a lot of men in her life so if would be hard for her to pick! I just want to help her,"

"Of course, mi nieto," Louisa nodded with a smile. 'But I think Elena isn't looking for men at the moment...'

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