The Night out

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G/F/N went back to her house after she introduced you to Venom, after a short talk with venom you got use to it. Though you be lieing if you said that Venom doesn't still creep you out a little.

The next day at school you ran into G/F/N on the way there and offered to walk her to school, she happily agreed. Although because of the incedint yesterday you both were put on detention and so were the attacker (School system am i right). The end of the day came to, you arived at the room were you would be for the next 2 hours watching everyone else leave the school. Shortly after you sat down G/F/N walked in and sat down next to you. The attackers from yesterday sat as far as they could away from you both. The teacher supervising you lot walked in and told you to do some homework. The Bullies had there books up with there phones behind it and you and G/F/N were draawing to each other on paper, the point is no one was doing homework. 

It was getting really boring there so G/F/N spoke up.

"Hey you want to ditch" 


G/F/N Just smiled and opened the window next to you and stood on the tabel and offered her hand to you. The teacher saw this.

"HEY GET DOWN NOW" The teacher screamed

G/F/N turned to the teacher and let Venom come and and roared at the teacher. He fell back in fear and when he looked back, you two were gone.

G/F/N was holding you tight as she jump from roof to roof and eventually land on the highest roof in you town. She sat you in her lap and venom's face pulled back reavling G/F/N face.

"Why did you do that. Aren't you worried about being discovered" you asked 

"Not really, besides the bullies were sleeping and only the teacher saw us and he has no proof of Venom" 

You 2 sat on the roof togeather over looking the town in the buietful night sky

"Hey Y/n"


"I love you" 

"I love you to"

You both lean in for a kiss. Your lips made contact with hers and you shared that kiss for a good minute.

She Venom x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن