Bro we are teen s....

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I'm starting this up again bc i just got plot inspiration. What can i say, I'm a dumb gay bitch.

Things to look forward to:

- Pining
- L: I do not YEARN, Watari
- Why isn't L dead, the fuck?
- L wearing a skirt
- Misa said lesbian rights
- Talking about L's autism : )
- Also talking about Light's multiple personality disorder, his depression, and repressed sexuality
- Light: can you be a fucking man and watch ponyo with me
- Ooey Gooey Fluff
- Possibly matt, mello and near .....? I havent decided
- L: traumatized coping noises
- Me remaking those fluffy scenes from the EARLY stages of this fic
- Including the snowball fight
- L: violently brushes his teeth
- The human who's name is written in the death note shall die

Sorry this thing has been on hiatus for so long. I have Inspiration™ in my big gay head. Also i might give matsuda a boyfriend, rights?

Until then.... viva la ENDING WRITERS BLOCK

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