Chapitre 1

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Gulliver's travels

The book was 1st published in 1726. Swift was disgusted to be in the company of his family at the end. He loses his identity at the end.

Swift was born on November 1667 of English parents in Dublin and he defended all his life Ireland, Dublin... His father having died 7-8 months before his birth, he was dependant on his 4 uncles, especially the oldest Godwin who helped him to graduate in 1676. His mother was born in Ireland where her parents immigrated in 1644 and she married Johnattan Swift the Elder. After the Glorious revolution (1688), Swift returned to England. And he became the private secretary of Sir William Temple in 1689. The Swifts are likely link to 2 powerfull Irish family. and Sir william Temple retired diplomate and...

Swift returned to England because of his illness and diseases called the « Maneer » (disturbance of the inner ear causing vomitting, deafness...). His doctors advised him to change of climate .

In 1622, he went to Oxford and was admitted to the MA degree in July. In the spring of 1695, he was appointed as a priest in Christ church and spent the whole of his life in te Church of Ireland. In 1699, when Temple died, he left him on the pound and the task of publishing his literary reminds. At that time, Swift had composed 3 satires :

« Tale of a Tab » which is an alegory on the history of the church. This work offended Queen Anne (on the throne in 1702). It was published anonymously in 1704. He shows as an anglican the purest and free of corruption. It's a satire with an explicitely christian concern.

« The battle of the books » : it's published as a Tale. The argument is that modern writers are guilty of plight of neglecting the wisdom of the past. It's related to the 2 sections of Gulliver's 3rd voyage that is the attack on modern science and « la putain », and Gulliver's talk with the spirit in Glubbdubdred.

« Discourse concerning the mechanical operation of the spirit » : it's an examination of zeal. It's also very criticized.

Then he returned to Ireland and became the Vicor of Laracol and Parish North of... In 1701, he came to England and wrote a pamphlet praising the conduct of the Wings (Liberal leader). This Pamphlet is « Discourse of the context and dissenssion in attend of Rome ». AT the same time, it was a warning to the Tories not to weaken the Nation by the partisan activity. In 1702, he took the degree of doctor of divinaty at Trinity college and kept himself busy editing more of temple's manuscrit. From 1708-1809, he was writing a serie of pamphlet such as sentiments of a church of England man with respect to religion and government but it wasn't published before 1711. In this pamphlet, there is irony and he wasn't going too easy on the Wing. By praising them, he tried to defend the church interest but by the end of the decade he found that they passed legislation damaging the church. Arguments against abolishing his charity.

The Tory leader, Harley, Earl of Oxford, and Bolingbloke wanted to have Swift on their side. As the Wing failed in 1710, the Tories try to attract him to work for them and that's he became the examinor to that Tory journal. He wrote for them 32 numbers from October 1710 till June 1711. he edited anonymously. Bu defending the Tories, he lost many friends. Another political tract was the conduct of the allies which appear in november 1711. It was a real attack on the Wings, especially Malborro and Whalton. It finished Malborro's carreer because it provided the Tories with arguments against him in parliementary debates. The critics thinks that this political track is one of the...

Swift couldn't obtain by the Tories a high office in the Church. On the 1st of August 1714, the Queen died and Swift planned to leave for Ireland the next day. He returned as Dean ofSt Patrick cathedral. The tories fell from power. Both were accused of treason : Bolingbroke was exiled to France and Harley imprisoned in the Tower of London. It's because they defended the Tories.

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