Chapter One

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             After arriving at my high school, I went straight to my locker. Putting in the combination and getting it open, I was face to face with the pictures of Drake and I throughout our four year relationship. I wiped the stray tear from my cheek, grabbed my history book and slammed the locker shut. My history class didn't start for another thirty minutes, so I decided to walk around. As I walked, I heard someone yell my name. It was Grace, running towards me. "Elizabeth, please. Please don't be mad at Drake. I know what he did hurt you bu-" I cut her off. "Don't be mad at him? Are you fucking kidding me? Drake and I have been in a serious relationship for four fucking years. He didn't even talk to me about this. I love Drake with all my heart. I would NEVER do something that could separate us without talking to him first. If he loved me like he says he does, he would have talked to me first!" I shouted at her. People passed us and ignored out argument, others laughed.

        "What did Prince Drake do this time, Princess Lizzie?" a voice rang from behind me. Kent Anderson, Grace's cousin and one of my best friends. "Nothing, Kent." I walked away as he was about to say something in response. "Liz! Wait up!" I had already turned the corner as he started to jog after me. I started crying again as he reached me. Pulling me aside, he wiped my tears with his thumb, "What did he do?.." Taking a deep breathe, I looked up at him. "He enlisted himself into the National Guard this morning.." He looked at me with great concern. "Oh, Liz.." He pulled me into a tight hug and kissed the top of my head. "Listen, it's going to be okay. I promise." As he let me go, Grace turned the corner with eyes flooded. "Lizzie.. Drake called me. He told me he leaves in two days and that today will be his last day at school.." All I could do was nod. I said bye to them and walked to my class, ready to forget this morning.

       I reached my history class just as the rest of the students flooded in, the bell rang. Just as my teacher was about to start, the intercom rang. "Attention students and staff. My apologies for the interruption, but I have an exciting announcement! Yesterday morning and this morning, four of our senior students enlisted into the National Guard!" I shifted in my seat and tried to focus on something besides the announcement. "Let's give a huge congratulations to these four seniors! Their names are: Amy Ramsay, Eric Bishop, Drake Harris and Kent Anderson. Thank you four for deciding to be selfless and defend our great country!" As soon as the announcement ended, the students in my class all stared at me. I sighed, looking down at my hands which were shaking. I didn't even look up as Kent moved to sit next to me. "Liz.. I'm sorry. I should have told you..." He tried to wrap one of his arms around me, but I shoved him away roughly. "You and Drake shouldn't have fucking done it at all! I can't believe you acted like you didn't fucking know!" I shouted, grabbing my backpack and running out of the classroom.

       I couldn't stop myself from breaking down, inside and out. How could Kent, who I've known for most of my life, lie to me? Do I mean nothing to him? How could they do this to me? What about their parents? Their siblings? What do they have to say? As I ran, I passed a group of kids cutting class, the nurse and as I was about to go past the gym, I crashed into someone. "Lizzie?.." I opened my eyes and saw that I was in Drake's arms. "What are you doing?" I chuckled, "I could ask you the same thing." I responded, pulling myself out of his arms. "Look, Lizzie. I'm sorry for hurting you and not talking to you about this first. I know we've been together for a long ass time, but I feel as if I HAD to do this. Like, it's my duty as a man to do this. I didn't do this to hurt you or because I don't want to be with you anymore. Kent didn't do it to hurt you either. Please don't be mad at us. I know Kent loves you, you're like a little sister to him. And you know I love you so fucking much. I just hope you understand." I looked up at Drake with tears in my eyes. How could I be so selfish? "I love you too, Drake." He smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. "Wanna get out of here?" He whispered in my ear. With a smile, I nodded.

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