Blue Eyes Like the Devil's Water

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Travis's POV
I strole through the empty streets, cold October wind lapping at my sore face. I look down at my feet, moving forward one after the other. The wind bows the trees and whistles nonstop. The world is quiet besides the whistling wind and occasional bird chirping. The sun is setting, portraying its golden light onto the concrete and illuminating my dirty blond hair.

I walk along the road, passing by Addison Apartments and the corner store, approaching the thick mass of woods. I decide to explore them.

I strole down the long path decorated with wild flowers and buzzing honey bees flying about. Gorgeous loblolly pines grow tall on either side of the path, the wind whistling through the green branches.

The path goes on for awhile, and suddenly it stops at a crystal blue lake, shimmering with the pink-orange glow of twilight in October. Weeping willows, as well as young oaks and redwoods grow here and there. Primroses and Indian Paintbrush grow wild in the tall grass that ruffles as the wind blows through.

But the peacefulness and beauty of nature is not all I see.

Underneath a weeping willow that overlooks the lake, slouches the beautiful, delicate, blue-haired, blue-eyed boy, Sal Fisher.

Sal's POV
October wind ruffles my hair and bites at my neck, sending chills down my spine. I suddenly hear crunching of autumn leaves behind me and I turn around quickly. Beneath the swaying loblollies, his hair glowing gold with the rays of sunshine portrayed by twilight, stands the tall, handsome boy, Travis Phelps.

My face turns crimson and pink with blush beneath my prosthetic. Travis, the boy I'm slightly crushing on, stands yards away from me, just staring blankly. He looks awkwardly down at his feet, shuffling them in the crunchy leaves. "Uh, hey, Sal," he mumbles at last, turning red and reaching his hand up to scratch the back of his neck. I wave awkwardly.

We stay this way in an awkward silence for quite a while. "Uh, wanna come sit?" I say at last, gesturing for him to sit beside me. He nods and stomps through the fragile leaves towards me. He leans against the tree and sits down in the cool grass, his legs crossed. I hunch up hugging my knees and look out beyond the pink and gold horizon.

Minutes pass and the two of us just sit there awkwardly, just enjoying each other's company and the beauty of nature.

"Can I ask you something kind of weird?" I say, breaking the silence. Travis laughs nervously, fiddling with his cross necklace. "Um, I guess," he stutters. I sigh, nervous to bring this topic up. "So," I begin, "when I checked on you in the bathroom yesterday, before, I spotted a note on the floor. I'm guessing it was yours?" Travis turns blood red and fidgets even more with his necklace. "Uh yeah, that was mine! I wrote it," he giggles nervously, breathing heavily. "Ok," I nod. "And may I ask, who was it for?"

Travis blushes and turns his face away from me. He drops his hand from his necklace and pulls it up to cover his red face. He looks kind of cute when he's embarrassed. "Um, well," he stutters. "It was for..."

Suddenly, Travis leans in close to me. I feel his cold hands against my prosthetic. He presses his lips against my artificial ones and kisses me swiftly. He quickly pulls away, his caramel cheeks burning with red fire. He chokes slightly, and jumps to his feet, running off in a hurry.

I watch as he disappears into the woods.

I smile wide. Oh my God. The feeling was amazing. I want more. I want him. The kiss, even though it only lasted a second, and it was with my prosthetic on, was heavenly.

So his note was meant for me.

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