I See Through His Outer Shell

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Sal's POV
I lie in bed motionless, feeling numb.  I stare up at the boring ceiling, nothing there to amuse me or cheer me up. 

I can't stop thinking about him.

Travis Phelps, a boy in my Algebra class.  He's so awful.  He punches me for no reason, calls me a fag, laughs at me, makes fun of the way I look or act, and other shit like that.  Just the other day, he slammed me into a locker and plunged his fist at my chin, causing blood to drip from beneath my prosthetic.  He proceeded to call me slurs and kick me, causing me to fall to the ground in pain. 

But even through all this abuse, he seems to have a softer side to him.  When he punched me the other day, our eyes locked for a split second.  Within the deepest oceans of his chocolate brown eyes, I saw love and fear.  I saw sadness and true human emotion. 

I saw beauty.
Travis often comes to school with sickly colored bruises forming around his eye lids and chin, possibly from abuse at home.  He always wears long sweaters or hoodies that cover his arms, so I assume he probably cuts.  Even though he harms me greatly, I can't help but wonder what his home life is like, and why he treats me the way he does.

I'd like to get to know this boy a little better.  However, this would involve getting him past bullying me, which could be a challenge.

Anyway, he probably hates me, so it might be a waste.  Maybe I shouldn't.

I just can't help feeling like he needs a comforting person in his life.

Someone who cares about him.

Someone who loves him.


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