Chapter 13: Sports Festival

Start from the beginning

"So, why did you drag me with you Bakugo? Normally, you would just push my hand off your shoulder and walk off." We were in a park that was near his house. "And why are you-" I couldn't speak anymore even if I tried. My lips were being stopped by another pair of lips, Bakugo's lips. I didn't think that Bakugo would ever kiss me much less to shut me up. I kissed back without much more thought, and I could feel his tongue swipe across my bottom lip, silently asking for entry. Being the ass I was I denied him, and he bit my lip enough to make it bleed. I opened my mouth to gasp at the sensation, only for his tongue to slide in my mouth. (A/N: This is so awkward for me to write lol) Our tongues battled in a fight for dominance, and surprisingly, I won. I pulled back for air and a string of saliva remained between us.

We were both a panting mess and Bakugo was the first to break the silence. "You talk too much, dumbass." I looked up at him because I wasn't his height, but I was kinda close. "I am not a dumbass." I was being stubborn, and I knew it better than he did. "Well, I'm still going to call you that... dumbass." I thought for a second before I spoke up again. "I'll only let you call me dumbass if I can call you Kit-Kat." I stated this with pride because if there is anything I like more than Bakugo, then it would be candy. He scoffed a bit at my nickname before he agreed.

Ever since that, Bakugo and I trained together, whether it was push-ups, sit-ups, going on runs, or sparing we would do it together and we were both pretty good at physical combat, and we could tie each other in races, but at nights I would watch a sports festival before going to bed and created a strategy for when we had to play the games ourselves.

Time skip

It was the morning of the festival and I decided to take a ride to school with dad. I walked towards the waiting room and changed into my outfit. We had to wear our gym uniforms and only have anything extra if we fill out some paperwork. I filled out some paperwork myself and they didn't hesitate to let me wear it even though it was silly. I was only wearing a mere beanie hat that was black and had a bit of fur that was around the end of it.

I sat next to Bakugo and got sleepy, so I took a quick nap with my head tilting to the side. Sometime during my sleep, I felt Bakugo pull my head so that I was resting on his shoulder, and he took off my beanie and began to pet my hair. It was calming me a bunch and I felt some tension in Bakugo relax as well. I was purring and snuggling into Bakugo's neck and getting a nice smell of his scent. He smelt like caramel, and it was driving me insane.

I didn't even notice when Todoroki called out Midoriya and declared war on him. I only heard bits and pieces of it, but shortly after we entered into the arena shortly after. While walking in, I put on my beanie and made sure it looked alright and made double sure that it wouldn't fall off during the trials.

I had taken notice of all the people in the arena and had to calm myself from the nerves I was feeling. Bakugo must have read my mind or something because he walked over to me and grabbed my hand. I looked at him and saw him smiling at me wickedly. "You and I are gonna win this thing. Just don't be too hurt when I beat you." I gave him a look with the same wicked smile that he gave me. "Sorry, I thought that you were going to be the one that was going to be hurt. Sorry for the mistake." When Bakugo wasn't beating up Midoriya, he and I got along pretty well and made jokes like that to each other all the time.

We stopped looking at each other when Midnight said we were doing the introductory speech. Most of the boys were blushing because of what Midnight was wearing. But I mean come on, what do you expect from an R-rated hero. I had to live with one and they aren't exactly call R-rated heroes for nothing.

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