Chapter 2 : Keep it that way

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A loud gunshot echoed through the room and a thud followed. I jump to my feet just in time to see the blood spray against the cabinets leaving the glass-covered. Jane fell to the ground. My heart cracked into pieces as her life vanished into the air. Noah pushed open the cage door and swiped his leg under the man's feet, almost instantly he jumped back. He picked Noah up by his hair with a furrowed eyebrow. Noah cringed at the feeling of a knife to his back.

A pan sat on the counter with tools in it, I pour them out and fly across the room colliding his head with it. He stumbled backward but he didn't do what I wanted him to do. I want him to be knocked out not out of his state of mind.

I yank Noah out of the room and up the stairs. A large man stopped us at the top. His muscles popping out of his black short sleeved shirt, a ND with a pentagram beneath was tattooed in his forearm.


"Go to the back door," I demanded, Noah ran off. I run after him but the back of my collar got yanked, I grab my throat as I get pulled backwards.

In a husky voice, "They want you back and im not leaving till you come."

"Number 27 let go of Ryan's collar but don't let him leave," a voice said from the stairs.

"Okay Ben, but he'll run-"

Tyler fixes his shirt and rubbed the spot where I hit him. As he emerged from the darkness that the basement brought Number 27 straightened himself but bowed his head.

Ben clears his throat, "We won't hurt Noah anymore than we have too. I sent someone after you yesterday and I told him not to hurt you. Instead he hurt your boyfriend." He takes my arm and brings me to the living room.

How does he already know the layout of this house?

We take a seat, "What that kid Tyler did was permanent. Only I can heal it and my team, come with me and we will help."

Thoughts whirled, is Noah dying? Is he lying to me just to make me go. How do I know if I can trust a man like that, someone who made some come after me and my boyfriend.

"How do I know I can trust you?"

Tyler looked into my eyes, they are fierce and definitely scary, "Look behind you."

The world went in slow motion, my head turning as slow as possible to greet Noah hunched over holding his stomach. Blood covered the creases of his lips and through the his fingers. Worry struck in his eyes, he is not holding back this time. The wood that was healed opened back up and the pain that I felt before got stronger. I can smell the death that radiated over him, "What did you do?"

I rush to his side as he collapsed in my arms, his limp body radiating heat that of a oven. Beads of sweat scattered his forehead and his skin glowed.

"The blade Tyler used had Wolvesbane, Mistletoe, and laced clearvine. What your friend Jane used just made it progress and spread faster," he smirked and stood up. "So what do you say, you come with me and I'll help your boyfriend."

All I want is the best for Noah and for him to live but going back to the place where I hated was not a choice. Jane was our only option and who knows what she has down there. There could be something that could help him without Neuroductions. Noah caught onto my thoughts, he shook his head and pointed at Tyler and Number 27.


Noah slapped my puffed out cheeks and let out tears.

"Have it your way," Tyler said with attitude. He made his way to the front door with his Henchman. "This is not over though. This does not mean that I'm not going to stop just because you said no Ryan. I'll see you soon."

They exited the house and as they did the sigils above the door burned the wood beneath it. It didn't like that there was unwanted guests in the house.


I awoke in my own bed, the lights shining through the glossed over window. The room smelt of Sage and Sandalwood, Ryan must have lit something up.

The pain that I felt yesterday is very dull but it was still there along with the crusted blood in the corners of my lip. I Trail my hand down my chest and to my stomach, a bandage wrapped my slender waist. It's wet from the blood, "Ryan."

Heavy footsteps stomped on the steps outside and into the room, "Wrong person Noah, think again!"

"Your boyfriend made it clear that he didn't want my help," he takes a walk around the room. "But soon after you passed out, he caved in to letting me help you."

"Where's Ryan," I demanded.

"He held up his end of the bargain"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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