Chapter 1 : Hello Noah

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The POV changes in the middle of the story!!



I must have waited 10 minutes and he didn't come. I even pulled up to the pickup zone hoping he didn't know where I was, but still no sign. I start to drift off my head bobbing side to side and up and down until the car door opened.

"You are finally here, what took you-," I lift my head , this scent isn't Noah's.

"Ready for tonight Ryan," he said in a high pitched voice attempting to mock Noah's voice. He twirled his imaginary long hair.

"Get out," I shouted, reaching over him and pushing the door open.

Can I kill him now! Let me out let me get HIM!

I push the urge to let him free down my throat. But a growl escaped and in the car window the reflection of my eyes glowed bright yellow. My claws grew out and I can feel my fangs grow as I shy away from his sight.

"Come on show me, then I'll definitely have proof for my dad. Let's see what is so special about you."

The door swung open and Tyler was pulled out, more like yanked. He collided with the ground as Noah pins him with his whole body, "What is your fascination with Ryan." He slams Tyler back into the ground, "Tell me," he shouts.

Noah's eyes glow yellow .

"Looks like Ryan ISNT the only one that I should be after."

He swings a punch and blood poured of of Tyler's nose. He swung again but Tyler shoves him off, pulling the silver knife out he charges at Noah. The blade sliced through his stomach. Tyler raises his eyes to meet his, grasping his hand he lets out a loud groan. Noah's legs wobbled and went to his knees. Tyler pulled the knife out, causing Noah to fall to the ground in pain."STOP WHERE YOU ARE," a security guard in the distance seen it all go down. He ran at the speed of light and tackled Tyler to the ground.

I was still in the car watching this go down and any sudden movement from me would result in my wolf fully surfacing. I can't get up myself, my bones were shifting and I'm making sure there is no room to do so. Taking a deep breath I get of the car to Noah's body. The wound doesn't look deep but compared to the amount of blood seeping into his shirt I know this is going to be bad.

I pick him up in my arms and place him in the passenger seat. Tyler was struggling with the weight of the Security guard on him, "You two! Don't leave, I need a report!"

Does he not see the blood and the wounds Tyler inflicted, "But he needs a hospital.""Fine go, just come back so I don't lose my job!"

I wasn't going to take him to a hospital, I'm going to take him to the only person I know that can help people like us.


A white House with little blue accents, and a wolf crest on the front door, this is her house definitely. Latin words were on the door, she made sure only the one she wanted in the house can come in. Never knew what they meant but I guess it had to do with protection.

I pick Noah up and it seamed like he got heavier, it could have just been the adrenaline back there. It was no trouble to pick him up though, that's a perk of being a werewolf.

I rush to the front door, "Jane, Open up, its an emergency!"

I pound on the front door, if I pound any harder I could break the door. The clicking of many locks was followed by the beaten wooden door opening.

"Come in."

I missed that British accent, "Can you help him?"

"Definitely it only looks like some silver thats not allowing him to heal," her hands moved fast to rip his shirt open. "His wolf might need to do the healing after I clean it so help me bring him down to the cages."

She was always prepared for these type of situations, she knows what she's getting into. Old creaky wooden stairs lead down into the black abyss. I take him down, "Which cage?"The room was filled with Four cages and a metal table in front of them. Cabinets lined the opposite wall which were filled with medicine.

Jane bends down on her knees to unlock the cage, "You can lay him on the table. Once I clean it I'm going to administer clearvine, after I do that you need to put him in the cage; it's very strong."

Noah mouthed words but nothing came out. His back touched the table and winced. Noah reached his hand out and rugged on my long sleeved shirt that was now stained with blood, "Hold my hand?"

"Of course," I grab his hand, nodding Jane on to start what she needed to do. Noah was in pain i can tell, his whole body is tense. But he's drugged so he is loose. Since we are mates I could feel his pain, it was all over.


I woke up in a cage, the pain still covering my body. My body which was naked and my clothes outside of the cage neatly folded. I slowly rise to sit up, I rest my back on the edge of the cage, the bars burned my skin as soon as I touch it. I guess I was not supposed to get out of here. 

Taking a look around, Ryan was sat in a chair in the corner knocked out from what I'm guessing is exhaustion. 

There's someone else who I don't quite know. Her blonde flowy hair fell at her shoulders, blue eyes that could pierce through anything. She was watching me and my every move as she brushed the metal table in front me with a cloth and bleach. Three towels laid on the floor all soaked with blood, my blood. I follow the trail of the stain of blood down my body to my stomach. I guess that whatever they did to me healed it quick, only a scar was left.

"What I happened," I mumbled through the puffs of breaths that I'm taking.

She slammed the towel and bottle onto the table. It took her a minute to respond as she came over to me, she wrapped her hand around the lock. "You got stabbed by one of the members of Neuroductions. The knife was meant for Ryan but he used it on you instead. Not to mention that you also showed him your wolf too."

"I know but what did you do to me?"

She rummaged through her pocket and pulls out a key. The bars didn't affect he as it did to me, she's not like me but she's something. The cabinets that lined the walls tell me that she's some kind of healer. A healer that Ryan knows, "Do you feel the urge to turn at all," she asked as the locked clicked out of place.

My wolf is silent, whimpering at the pain the bars brought us. But more so because of the silver that was still coursing in my body. It was nowhere near to surfacing anytime soon, "No he's quiet."

"Well...then I'll let you-," her hair got yanked back and the person who stood behind her brought her to her feet.

A man, as tall as I would be held a pistol to her head. He has a whole belt full of weapons and a sling around his back with arrows, "Hello Noah."

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