Chapter 2 : Movie night

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Flashback from previous chapter:

"P-p-parker..." I stuttered and Jax held me closer and we walked out of school

Flasback end


Jax's P.O.V

Her perfume smelled like vanilla mixed with berries, and I loved it. I held her closer to my body and cooyed sweet nothings into her ears, she eventually passed out and I gently put her in the passenger seat of my Matte Black Mustang, I wiped a stray tear from her cheek. My body felt cold when I put her down, then I closed the door and went to the drivers seat.

I looked back again, feeling like I could rip Parker's heart straight from his chest. I hated him for hurting her, for using and shaming her, and I didn't even realise it. I felt so guilty, how could someone so innocent, so sweet and gentle be abused by that piece of shit. If it wasn't for her, I would have killed him by now.

I drove her home, and she didn't move or wake up which I was happy for. I gently lifted her into my arms and carried her inside. She snuggled closer to my chest and I couldn't help but not hide my smile, thankfully she was asleep. I never told her or anyone that I was in love with her, and no one will ever know until I'm ready to tell her myself.

I lay her gently on her bed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. It was extremely warm so I put on her fan and opened the windows. I glanced at her on last time before exiting her room and closing the door behind me. I headed into the kitchen and made me a snack and then stretched out on the couch, I decided on watching a cooking show. After 30 minutes or so I heard tyres screeching and keys jiggling outside and then the door opening, then James, Dillon and Blake joined me on the couch.

"So....How's Parker?" I asked and looked at Dillon, a big smirked crept onto his lips. "How about you call the hospital and find out?" James and Blake chuckled and my eyes went wide afraid that he might have killed him. "Chill out Rocky, I said you can kill him." He winked and we all started laughing. We weren't really going to kill him, unless he hurted Nicole again.

James went out to visit his new girlfriend and Blake went to the shop to get some supplies I asked him for. Now it was only me and Dillon in the living room, seeing as he was the second eldest brother, he sort of knew I liked Nicole but he never asked or implied anything and I was very thankful for that. I stood up throwing the tv remote to him. "Hey where are you going?" He asked cocking an eyebrow.

"Uhh..I'm gonna get started on dinner." I lied and hurried to the kitchen, I got 2 painkillers and a glass of water and went to her room. I knocked on her door and when I didn't get a reply I went inside, she was snoring ever so lightly and I smiled at her. I sat on the edge of the bed and silently stared at her, admiring how peaceful she looked and how her hair was spread out on the pillow, her lips were slightly parted.

I moved closer to her and shook her shoulders a bit, and she opened her beautiful dark oak brown eyes and I could swear I saw golden sparks in them. She sat up and rubbed her eyes and groaned at the headache I knew was coming, it always happened after she cried. I handed her the painkillers and the glass of water and she gladly took it and offered me a small smile, she swallowed the pills and sat the glass down on the table beside her.

"Thank you." She whispered so softly I barely heard it, she looked down. I felt so bad that she went through all that pain and misery, and I hated the fact that there was nothing I could do to make her forget and move on, it's been almost a year and a half and she still flinched and yanked away whenever anybody touched her, even a small pat on the shoulder made her scared.

I knew what would make her feel better this evening, and that was cooking her favourite meal. Chicken Alfredo for dinner with Strawberries covered in chocolate with tiny marshmallows in hotchocolate for dessert. I always thought it was a strange mix but yet I loved it, I loved her. I took her hand and I pulled her hand until she stood up and followed me. I went to the kitchen and then let go of her hand and then she sat by the table and gave me a confused look, I opened the cupboards and took out 4 slabs of chocolate and the box of strawberries in the fridge and placed them in front of her.

Her eyes immediately lit up and her smile stretched to her eyes, she jumped up and took out a pot and started smelting the chocolate and placed the strawberries on a side plate, I then started making the Chicken Alfredo.

After we both finished cooking we called the guys to come and eat, James and Blake raced towards the kitchen tackling each on their way in and Dillon, Nicole and I couldn't stop laughing as they groaned in pain. I started to dish up for everyone and placed their food in front of them. We said our prayers and dug into the delicious food.

Dillon was the first to finish and then he went to the living room and picked a movie we all knew Nicole adored. Kissing booth, in our guy-opinion it was the most cheesy and silly movie but still we watched it with her. We'd do anything to make her happy and keep her safe.

The rest of us finished eating and I took the warm pot of chocolate and James took the side plate of strawberries and Nicole ran upstairs to get my soft gray blanket, she loved my blanket and I offered it to her happily. We loved how flustered she got when she was covered in it, she was like a little girl over her ponies.

Nicole sat in the middle with me and James on her left and Dillon and Blake on her right. I played the movie and turned the lights off. Someone had to come disrupt our movie night by knocking on the door and we all sighed deeply, I volunteered to go see who it was.

I opened the door and didn't see anyone or anything so I went outside to see if the kids next door where playing ding dong ditch again, I heard something rustle in the bushes and I wanted to scare the kids, but instead a massive, muscular guy with a black hoodie and black sweatpants grabbed my and put a rag over my mouth. Then darkness consumed me and my body fell limp.

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