Chapter 6:Unforseen

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Warning: explicit language and homophobia (it hurts me to write that but I have to)
  You go for work the next day and you see your boss. "Great work there, [y/n], Lucius is finally back at work!" You nod, thinking about yesterday's events. You take a seat and look at the stack of work on the table. You look at the first document and see that there is a murder case. Some lunatic enchanted some Muggle articles and was playing around with it when a Muggle stumbled on it. It killed the Muggle and had grown into an insatiable Muggle blood lust. It was a messy business to sort out, but you had managed to send the information to the correct departments and sort things out enough before you head home that day. When you stepped out from the Ministry, you decide not to apparate home and walk back instead. You also decide to get some dinner from a diner on the way back. You walk down the busy road and slide into a alleyway to escape the crowd. The alleyway is quiet and devoid of people, and the only noise you hear is your heels clicking on the asphalt floor.
  Suddenly, a sharp point poked into the back of your neck, which you realised was a wand tip. You froze as you feel the heat of someone behind you. "You bitch, what's wrong with having a bit of fun? My buddy Daniel only wanted to play with those useless Muggles, its their problem that they died." The wand travels down your neck and small cuts, deep enough to draw blood, appear where his wand touches. A shiver runs through you as you recall hearing the name Daniel in the reports you were filing today. He was the wizard that had enchanted the Muggle article, and had killed the Muggles. The figure moves in front of you and you look at his attire. He is wearing a Death Eater outfit, and has his wand brandished at you. Memories flash into your mind and you scream and back into the wall. He pulls up his sleeve and shows you his Dark Mark. "The Lord is dead now, but I can still summon all my friends here, and we'll be sure to teach you, filthy Mudblood, not to go messing in others actions!"
  A blast of light hit the man and he flew away. Looking at the source of the light, you see Lucius Malfoy standing at the start of the alleyway. Lucius clears the distance of the alleyway with several large strides, and presses his cane into the slumped man on the ground. "Gerrard, stay away from her." The man named Gerrard tilted his head to look up at Lucius. His hood had fallen off, and what you saw under his hood scares you. He should have been a handsome young man, but his face was so badly mauled that it became nearly unrecognisable, much like one of the Weasley children's face after Fenrir had his way with it. Gerrard's teeth were sharpened and yellow, and his eyes were sunken into his skull.
  "Lucius! Come join in the party! Lets kill this bitch together! I know this place may be shoddy, but-" Lucius flicked his wand, and Gerrard was sent flying to the wall, and pinned there with vines. Lucius' eyes were nearly glowing with anger, as he said, "I, unlike some scum, have no taste for such activities. And as I have already made clear, you shall not touch her, not even a hair on her head." Through the pain, Gerrard leered. "Why, Lucius. Ever the playboy, huh? Cissy wasn't enough to sate your thirst, and so you got Severus to bugger, you dirty little fag. Now they're both dead, and you turn your sights on this little girl. A Muggle-born too! Were you planning to get close to her, then rape her? Who's the scum here?" Lucius gave a guttural yell. "Crucio! You, scum, don't you dare say Severus' name! Or Narcissa's!" Gerrard twitched against the wall, silently screaming. Lucius stopped to take a breather, and Gerrard, the idiot, grinned. "Gone soft, have you, Lucius? Must be from the buggering you get from Sevvie? Or your son?" Lucius eyes flared and he quietly said, "Crucio." Somehow, you found that more scary than Lucius' earlier spell, where he had screamed. There was something about Lucius. That was like if hate could materialise, it would be flowing off Lucius in torrents. The spell caused Gerrard to scream this time, and he thrashed against the wall in pain. "I'm going to make you wish you weren't born." Lucius whispered with a smile on his face. "Lucius! Don't kill him!" You shout, and he freezes on the spot. "If you do, you'll be just like him, a good-for-nothing scum!" You yell, gathering all of your courage. Lucius' wand hand falters, and then drops. He undid the binds on Gerrard and he stopped the Cruciatus Curse. Gerrard ran away limping and apparated away as soon as he could.
  Lucius collasped on the ground. You run forward, despite all the warning bells that tell you not to do so. Lucius is crying, tears falling down his face silently. You do the first thing anyone would do, faced with this situation: you gently put your hands around Lucius' shoulders. You just barely place them around his shoulders, as you are not sure how Lucius would react to being hugged. "I broke my promise. After the War, I swore to never use the Unforgiveable Curses again, to honor Severus' memory. But I did. I gave in to the temptation and used it." Lucius sobbed harder, a small choking noise coming out from him. "It wasn't your fault, Mr Malfoy. You were provoked, and I'm sure Professor Snape would understand why you used it. If Gerrard hadn't been so aggressive, you wouldn't have done it. It's not your fault. If anything, its mine. You only came in to help because I was unable to defend myself against him." You say into Lucius' ear. Then he did something you had never expected. He turned around, and hugged you. He grabbed your shoulders, and ran his hand across your back and hair. "What are you doi-" "The last time someone told me that something wasn't my fault, it was Severus. And that was before he died. He left me. Don't you dare leave me again. Don't say anything." Lucius whispered, hugging and touching you. You assume it must be the trauma that he had suffered over the loss of Severus, that he thought that you were Severus. You let him continue hugging you, and his muttered whispers of "don't leave me" hissed into your ear.
  After a while, he recovered enough to stop shaking, and you helped him to his feet. "Thank you, Miss [y/n], how can I ever thank you for your kindness?" "Well, Mr Malfoy, I haven't eaten yet, so would you like to dine with me? Or you could go home, its uo to you." Lucius grinned broadly. "Call me Lucius. I would be delighted to dine with you. I know a place just down the road here, and they have the best roast duck in this part of London." You follow behind Lucius as he brings you to a restaurant. There, you have, true to Lucius' word, the best duck you have ever eaten. The atmosphere was so different from when you had seen Lucius elsewhere. He was airy and funny, a stark contrast to when he had his Malfoy mask on. He made interesting conversation and treated you like you were of a pureblood family, not some Muggle-born. It was a new experience for you, to be treated so well by a pureblood wizard. That evening, Lucius walked you to your home, and planted a small kiss on your forehead, and left. That night, you fell asleep dreaming of gentle hands and pale skin. And roast duck.

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